The Urgent threat of TB drug resistance : drug resistant TB threatens to erase decades of progress
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CDC STACKS serves as an archival repository of CDC-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other public health information authored or co-authored by CDC or funded partners. As a repository, CDC STACKS retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.

The Urgent threat of TB drug resistance : drug resistant TB threatens to erase decades of progress

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    One-fourth of the world’s population is infected with TB, and 10.4 million people become sick with active TB disease each year. TB is among the leading causes of death from infectious disease globally and claims 1.8 million lives each year, even though we have had a cure for more than 70 years. In some cases of TB, the bacteria that causes infection has been able to develop resistance to the anti-TB drugs used to cure it. Most often, this stems from incomplete treatment of non- resistant TB. In recent decades, these strains have become resistant to more and more of our best drugs and continue to spread globally. Drug-resistant TB strains are more difficult to cure and costly to our economy and health system. Because TB is airborne and contagious, the continued spread of drug-resistant TB could cause a resurgence of TB in parts of the world where TB is currently less common, including the United States. That is why CDC works at home and abroad to create a safer America and a safer world.

    To prevent further spread of drug-resistant TB, we must find and cure all cases of MDR TB. But equally important is ensuring drug-susceptible TB cases are properly diagnosed and treated, so those strains do drug-susceptible TB cases are properly diagnosed and treated, so those strains do not develop drug resistance and start the cycle anew. To stop drug-resistant TB, we must get back to the basics of effective TB prevention and treatment.

    Find TB. Cure TB. Prevent TB.


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