Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) value profile : Bromine Pentafluoride [CASĀ® No. 7789-30-2]
December 2016
Series: NIOSH Numbered Publications
Corporate Authors:
Description:Basis for IDLH Value: Data were inadequate to directly derive an IDLH value for bromine pentafluoride. For this reason, data from studies with chlorine pentafluoride were used to develop an IDLH value for bromine pentafluoride because their structures, react ion mechanisms, and potencies are assumed to be similar. Therefore, deriving an IDLH value based on the toxicity data for chlorine pentafluoride is appropriately health-protective [NIOSH 2016a].
Suggested Citation
NIOSH [2016]. Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) value profile: bromine pentafluoride. By Dotson GS, Maier A, Parker A, Haber L. Cincinnati, OH: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2017-106.
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Pages in Document:10 numbered pages
Resource Number:DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH) 017-106
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