PHIA surveys : a new approach to help countries control their HIV epidemics
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PHIA surveys : a new approach to help countries control their HIV epidemics

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  • Alternative Title:
    Population-based HIV Impact Assessments
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    UNAIDS has set global HIV targets calling for 90 percent of persons living with HIV to know their status, 90 percent of these people to be on antiretroviral treatment, and 90 percent of them to have viral suppression. UNAIDS’ models predict that we will approach zero new HIV infections by 2030 if we achieve these 90-90-90 targets by 2020.

    Since 2000, population-based household surveys have been an important surveillance tool to measure HIV prevalence – the total number of people living with HIV. However, household surveys typically do not provide direct estimates of either HIV viral load – the amount of the virus in a person’s body – which is necessary to measure progress toward the 90-90-90 targets, or HIV incidence – the number of new HIV infections – which helps assess the impact of HIV prevention and treatment programs.

    The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is prioritizing population-based, HIV-focused household surveys as a means of monitoring HIV incidence and prevalence. The goal of the Population-based HIV Impact Assessments (PHIA) is to provide a better understanding of HIV trends at the national and regional level, as well as population-wide program achievements. PHIA surveys will be used to collect data on the uptake of care and treatment services for HIV and other infectious diseases, provide real-time home-based HIV counseling and testing, and estimate HIV incidence, CD4 T-cell counts (a measure of immune health), and viral load. For this reason, PHIA surveys will serve as the most comprehensive evaluation of HIV outcomes and impact that can be used by all stakeholders, including national HIV programs, PEPFAR, the Global Fund, and other donors and multilateral organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS. PHIA surveys follow UNAIDS’ standard methods for conducting national household surveys. PHIA surveys are planned for Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, Lesotho, Tanzania, Uganda, Swaziland, Namibia, Ethiopia, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Kenya, and Haiti.

    Working side by side with Ministries of Health, non-governmental organizations, other USG agencies and our implementing partner, CDC provides expertise in epidemiology, laboratory science and infrastructure, survey design, training health workers and other technical assistance to help partners plan, implement, and evaluate

    Population-based HIV Impact Assessments in countries supported by PEPFAR.

    Publication date from document properties.


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