CDC bulletin, vol. X, no. 12, December 1951
December 1951
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Description:In January of 1952 the CDC BULLETIN will be merged with two other technical periodicals of the Public Health Service. The material previously covered in these publications will be embodied in the new and expanded monthly version of PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS. The merger has come about as the result of an extended study of the Public Health Service’s publishing activities.
The new journal is designed to carry out more efficiently and economically the Public Health Service’s responsibilities for disseminating scientific information on matters of health.
The new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS will be concerned with the technical and professional aspects of public health practice, with problems of health administration, and with research in these fields. It will include, as well, substantially the same kind of material that has been appearing in the CDC BULLETIN. The quarterly “Center Highlights” material, however, will be published separately as CDC PROGRESS REPORT.
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