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Chronic disease cost calculator user guide. Version 2

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  • Description:
    The Cost Calculator was developed for chronic disease directors, state Medicaid directors, and other state and federal policy and decision makers to calculate estimates of the costs for selected chronic diseases. The purpose of creating this calculator is to help states estimate the costs of chronic disease in their state. The Cost Calculator may also be useful for federal agencies and others interested in reviewing the burden of chronic disease at the state level.

    he intended use for the Cost Calculator is to provide estimates of medical expenditures and absenteeism costs due to select chronic diseases at the state level. Thus, the term “costs” as used in the Cost Calculator represents costs to each payer for medical services and costs to society due to absenteeism. Many states do not have the resources (financial and personnel) to conduct an analysis that will generate these estimates. Cost Calculator estimates can help policymakers quantify and understand the financial impact caused by chronic diseases, as well as inform decisions on investments in chronic disease prevention and disease management programs.

    The Cost Calculator provides estimates for arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease (CHF, CHD, hypertension, stroke, and other heart diseases), depression, and diabetes at the state level of: 1) treated population by payer, 2) medical costs by payer; and 3) absenteeism costs for the total population. Because many people who suffer from chronic disease actually have two or more different chronic diseases, double-counting of the associated medical costs often occurs. The statistical analysis used to generate the cost estimates minimizes double- counting (i.e., overlap of disease costs) of payer dollars going to multiple diseases. Therefore, the costs of arthritis, asthma, cancer, CHF, CHD, stroke, other heart diseases and depression can be more easily compared across diseases. The cost estimates for hypertension and diabetes, however, include the costs of complications such as CHD, CHF and stroke. The costs of hypertension and diabetes are therefore not mutually exclusive of the costs of other reported diseases.

    Users do not have to provide data on their own populations to use the Cost Calculator. For all payers represented, state-level data has been combined with nationally representative data to create sound estimates with no additional data required.


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