Alternative Title:Epi Info 7 user guide
Description:Epi InfoTM 7 is a series of tools designed to help public health professionals conduct outbreak investigations, manage surveillance databases, and perform statistical analyses. The software enables epidemiologists and other public health and medical professionals to createa questionnaire , customize the data entry process, and enter and analyze data. The program is free and publicly available for download at the Epi InfoTM website ( The software runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Download and installation information is located in the appendix of this guide.
Epi InfoTM 7 is comprised of four main tools used to collect, analyze, or visualize data:
• Create Forms – Create a questionnaire using one or more forms to collect and view data.
• Enter Data – Enter data and view existing records.
• Analyze Data (Classic and Visual Dashboard) – Manage data, run statistical
• analyses, and generate lists, tables, graphs, and charts.
• Create Maps – Create maps from map server, KLM files, or shape files.
Available utilities include:
• StatCalc – Compute statistics from summary data.
• Help – Find online and offline resources: including a “discussion forum” and
• “help desk” information.
• Options – Configure default settings on the following tabs: general, language,
• analysis, plug-ins, and web survey.
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