NIOSH Traumatic Injury Prevention Program
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  • English

  • Details:

    • Journal Article:
      DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH)
    • Description:
      The Traumatic Injury Prevention Pro- gram aims to reduce the incidence of physical trauma in the workplace, whether it is caused by unintentional injury or by violence. This snapshot highlights our recent accomplish- ments and some upcoming work.

      What are our priorities? The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Traumatic Injury Prevention Pro-gram works with partners from industry, labor, trade associations, professional organizations, and academia. The program addresses these areas: 1. Decreasing the leading causes of work-related injuries. 2. Decreasing work-related injuries among high-risk occupations and vulnerable worker groups. What do we do? 1. Conduct research to develop an evidence base for: a. Preventing falls at work, and protecting workers from injury when falls happen. b. Preventing motor vehicle-related injuries, and protecting workers from injury during motor vehicle incidents. c. Preventing workplace violence by evaluating measures designed to reduce such violence, and making recommendations to reduce risk factors. d. Identifying and evaluating ways to reduce traumatic injuries among high-risk occupations and vulnerable worker groups, and making recommendations to reduce risk factors. These groups may include fire fighters; law enforcement officers; workers in construction, transportation, healthcare and fishing industries; young workers; older workers; racial/ethnic minorities; and others. 2. Share research findings and evidence-based recommendations with partners who can put the information into practice. These partners include manufacturers, consensus standard committees, employers, workers, and government agencies. 3. Conduct effective surveillance for occupational injuries, and share data with the re-search community, employers, and workers to guide future research and prevention efforts. What have we accomplished? 1. Released upgraded version of the award-winning NIOSH Ladder Safety smartphone app, which has been downloaded more than 50,000 times. 2. Adoption of ambulance test methods by the General Services Administration's (GSA) purchase specifications for ambulances, and the National Fire Prevention Association standard. These test methods were developed by NIOSH and partners to improve ambulance crashworthiness. 3. Nearly 15,000 healthcare personnel completed a free online workplace violence training course between August 2013 and December 2015. The course was developed by NIOSH and partners. 4. Published contemporary anthropometry (body size and dimensions) data for fire fighters and truck drivers on the NIOSH website, and encouraged use of these data in equipment and workspace design (e.g. fire fighter gloves, truck cabs). 5. Raised awareness of an upward trend in suicides in the workplace through analysis of surveillance data. 6. A manufacturer used NIOSH research to create an innovative personal flotation device for commercial fishermen that is comfortable enough to be worn continuously on deck while still providing flotation protection. It won an industry safety award, and more than 2,000 units were sold in the first year. What's next? 1. Release a web-based simulator that will allow users to test and view the stability of aerial lifts under different worksite conditions, such as high winds and uneven ground. 2. Release a NIOSH Fact Sheet with recommendations to improve the safety of older drivers in the workplace. 3. Complete analyses evaluating workplace violence prevention interventions. 4. Publish findings on research into the underreporting of occupational injuries and its implications.

      NIOSHTIC No 20048152

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