Boost your competitive edge : actions for a healthy, productive workforce
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CDC STACKS serves as an archival repository of CDC-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other public health information authored or co-authored by CDC or funded partners. As a repository, CDC STACKS retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.

Boost your competitive edge : actions for a healthy, productive workforce

  • 3/28/16

Filetype[PDF-938.22 KB]



  • Description:
    As a business leader, you know that the greatest strength of your organization walks out the door at 5 p.m. More so than the quality of your product or strength of your business model, your company’s success depends on its employees.

    Recognizing your people as your greatest competitive advantage is the first step to setting them—and yourself—up for success. Next, it is important to recognize that the stress your employees feel outside of work joins them in the office, affecting their focus, commitment, and ability to get things done. You’ve heard the break room chatter: “I’m family is struggling with...I wish I could get more time to...”

    There are actions you can take now to decrease your employees’ stress, which could, over time, help you:

    • Retain current and recruit new employees;

    • Increase your employees’ enthusiasm and commitment to their work;

    • Get more and higher quality work done;

    • Reduce the number of days your employees call in sick; and

    • Lower your health care costs.

    Your efforts could also make a difference over the long term. Your employees are parenting the future workforce, so what you do now matters to ensure that today’s children grow up to be healthy employees and citizens.

    This resource outlines actions your organization, no matter what size or shape, can take to ensure a healthier and more productive workforce, now and into the next generation:

    1. Model safe, stable, nurturing relationships in your organization;

    2. Create a family-friendly workplace;

    3. Take a comprehensive approach to employee wellness;

    4. Provide parenting resources for employees; and

    5. Consider the role of state and local policy in improving employees’ and their children’s access to safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments.

    Use this resource as a guide to consider strategic investments that may reduce employee stress through the promotion of safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for your employees and their children, as well as throughout your community as a whole.


    Publication date from document properties.


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