America's young adults: special issue, 2014
July 2014
Corporate Authors:
Description:The well-being of young adults in the United States today remains an area of key interest to the public and policy-makers alike. This age group faces the well-known challenges of achieving financial and social independence while forming their own households at a time of greater economic uncertainty than in the past. Better understanding of the achievements and needs of these young adults will inform approaches to best support this exciting and challenging transition to adulthood.
Over the 20 years since it held its first organizational meetings, the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (the Forum) has established a tradition of cooperation and commitment to understanding the challenges and opportunities facing children and families today. This year, in a Special Issue on America’s Young Adults, the Forum extends
that commitment to describing the well-being of youth as they transition into adulthood. Next year, the Forum will issue its customary full report, America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being.
Published as a special isssue (2014) of the serial: America's children.
This report was printed by the U.S. Government Printing Office in cooperation with the National Center for Health Statistics, July 2014
CDC-INFO Pub ID 221728
Content Notes:221728
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Pages in Document:xii, 84 numbered pages
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