FluView: 2013-2014 Influenza Season: Week 13 ending March 29, 2014
April 4, 2014
Journal Article:FluView
Corporate Authors:
Description:Synopsis: During week 13 (March 23-29, 2014), influenza activity continued to decrease in most regions of the United States.
o ViralSurveillance:Of5,206specimenstestedandreportedduringweek13byU.S.World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories, 652 (12.5%) were positive for influenza.
o PneumoniaandInfluenzaMortality:Theproportionofdeathsattributedtopneumoniaand influenza (P&I) was below the epidemic threshold.
o Influenza-associatedPediatricDeaths:Threeinfluenza-associatedpediatricdeathswere reported.
o Influenza-associatedHospitalizations:Aseason-cumulativerateof31.7laboratory- confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations per 100,000 population was reported.
o OutpatientIllnessSurveillance:Theproportionofoutpatientvisitsforinfluenza-likeillness (ILI) was 1.6%, which is below the national baseline of 2.0%. Two of 10 regions reported ILI at or above region-specific baseline levels. New York City experienced high ILI activity; two states experienced moderate ILI activity; three states experienced low ILI activity; 45 states experienced minimal ILI activity, and the District of Columbia had insufficient data.
o GeographicSpreadofInfluenza:Thegeographicspreadofinfluenzainfivestateswas reported as widespread; Guam and four states reported regional influenza activity; the District of Columbia and 17 states reported local influenza activity; Puerto Rico and 23 states reported sporadic influenza activity; one state reported no influenza activity, and the U.S. Virgin Islands did not report.
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