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Hand washing [sink]
February 6, 2015
Corporate Authors:
Description:Poster for African audiences (sink).
Wash hands with soap and water for 20-30 seconds. If hands are dirty, wash hands with soap and water, not with hand sanitizers, for 40-60 seconds. Use hand sanitizer or chlorinated water, if soap and water are not available.
1. Wet hands with water.
2. Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces.
3. Rub hands together and scrub everywhere.
4. Wash the front and back of your hands and in between your fingers.
5. Rinse hands with water.
6. Dry hands completely using a single use towel or air dry.
When to Wash Hands:
• Before, during, and after preparing food
• Before eating food
• Before and after caring for someone who is sick
• Before and after treating a cut or wound
• After using the latrine
• After changing diapers or cleaning a child who has used the latrine
• After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
Adapted from WHO.
CS 254095-E
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Pages in Document:1 poster
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