National and state healthcare-associated infections progress report
January 2015
Alternative Title:HAI progress report
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Description:This report is based on 2013 data, published January 2015.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a major, yet often preventable, threat to patient safety The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to helping all Americans receive the best and safest care The National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections Progress Report (HAI Progress Report) expands and provides an update on the previous reports detailing progress toward the ultimate goal of eliminating healthcare-associated infections The Report can serve as a reference for anyone looking for information about national and state HAI prevention progress It is specifically designed to be accessible to many audiences For detailed methods and references, please refer to the Technical Appendix within this report For complete data tables and a glossary of terms, please visit CDC’s HAI Progress Report website at www cdc gov/hai/progress-report
To help improve patient safety, CDC tracks infections, responds to outbreaks, provides infection prevention expertise and guidelines, spearheads prevention research, and serves as the nation’s gold- standard laboratory CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), the nation’s healthcare-associated infection tracking system, is critical in this work More than 13,000 hospitals and other healthcare facilities provide data to NHSN This vital information is then used for reporting, including in this HAI Progress Report, and for care improvement by facilities, states, regions, quality groups, and national public health agencies including CDC.
This HAI Progress Report includes national and state-by-state summaries of six HAI types based on 2013 data The Report helps measure progress toward the HAI prevention goals outlined in the National Action Plan to Prevent Health Care-Associated Infections: Road Map to Elimination (HAI Action Plan) set by the U S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Progress is measured using the standardized infection ratio (SIR), a summary statistic that can be used to track HAI prevention progress over time The individual state progress reports include infection-specific SIRs, progress in reducing HAIs, and state prevention efforts These customized reports can aid in identifying areas in need of improvement from a national level and within specific states.
Data in this report are from acute care hospitals only National and state-level data include: central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), surgical site infections (SSI), hospital-onset Clostridium difficile infections (C difficile), and hospital-onset methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia (bloodstream infections) This is the first report that includes state-specific information about MRSA bacteremia and C difficile infections State-specific SSI data are presented for colon surgery and abdominal hysterectomy surgery, two of the most commonly reported surgeries.
The Report describes significant reductions reported at the national level in 2013 for nearly all infections Despite this progress, the nation did not reach the 2013 goals established by the HAI Action Plan in 2009 More action is needed at every level of public health and health care to improve patient safety and eliminate infections that commonly threaten hospital patients CLABSI and SSI show the greatest reduction as they closely approached the set goals Some progress is shown in reducing both hospital-onset MRSA bacteremia and hospital-onset C difficile infections The Report shows an increase in CAUTI, similar to last year’s report, signaling a strong need for additional prevention efforts.
Suggested citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2013 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections Progress Report Published January 14, 2015 Available at www cdc gov/hai/progress-report/index html
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Pages in Document:139 numbered pages
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