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Teaching children about the flu : lesson plans and activities for child care and early childhood programs
Corporate Authors:
Description:As a child care provider, you play a very important role. You nurture and teach the children in your care. You offer a safe atmosphere where the children can learn and have fun and where parents can feel good about the care their children are receiving.
In addition to providing good child care, you also want to make sure the children in your facility stay healthy. Young children and your staff members can get sick with the seasonal flu. Use the lessons and activities in this booklet to teach children about the flu, hand washing, and cough and sneeze etiquette.
Hang the colorful and informative posters to remind children and staff about good hygiene habits to use now and during flu season. We’ve also included handouts for parents to help them reinforce good hygiene habits at home.
Help all the children in your child care facility make good hygiene a habit.
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Pages in Document:33 numbered pages
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