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Personal protective equipment (PPE) : primary exit screeners
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Description:As a primary exit screener you will be identifying travelers who need additional (secondary) screening for Ebola. Your primary screener tasks include looking at travelers for signs of sickness, asking travelers questions, and checking travelers’ body temperatures with a non-contact thermometer.
Ebola spreads through direct contact with blood or body fluids (such as saliva or urine) of an infected person or objects contaminated with blood or body fluids. Prevent directly touching infected materials or individuals by properly wearing the recommended personal protective equipment (PPE). It is important to help protect you, and all pieces of PPE should be worn properly throughout your period of potential exposure. PPE is not required during routine cleaning and other activities.
The PPE that you will wear while you perform primary screening duties are waterproof disposable gloves, face mask, and eye protection such as a face shield (preferred) or goggles. These protective items are important to avoid contact with body fluids.
Once you put your PPE on, the outside of each item is considered contaminated. To prevent contaminating yourself, you must put on and take off PPE in the correct order and in the way described below.
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