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Using evaluation to inform CDC’s policy process
Corporate Authors:
Description:Public health professionals can play an important role in the policy process. They develop partnerships, analyze and evaluate policy, promote and implement evidence-based policies and communicate findings. CDC’s Policy Process1 was developed to foster common language and understanding around policy and the process by which it is conceptualized, developed, adopted, implemented and evaluated.
The CDC Policy Process includes five specific domains (problem identification, policy analysis, strategy and policy development, policy enactment, and policy implementation). The Policy Process also includes two overarching domains that are interwoven with the five specific domains: stakeholder engagement and education, and evaluation.
The Policy Process is rarely linear; the domains often overlap and can vary in order. An ideal scenario includes identifying a problem, identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing potential policy solutions, and adopting and implementing the policy solution that will have the greatest public health impact, feasibility and economic and budgetary impact.
As an overarching domain, evaluation can inform all domains of the Policy Process. This document is intended to provide information and examples in order to:
• Improve our understanding of evaluation as it applies to the five specific domains of the Policy Process.
• Recognize the value of, and opportunities for, policy evaluation.
• Improve our ability to evaluate one or more specific domains of the Policy Process.
• Understand the importance of using evaluation findings to inform the evidence base.
This document then provides examples of how to use evaluation to inform each of the specific domains of the Policy Process.
Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Using Evaluation to Inform CDC’s Policy Process. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services; 2014.
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