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West Africa Ebola outbreak
August 8, 2014
Corporate Authors:
Description:1st Ebola outbreak in West Africa; 4 countries: Guinea; Sierra Leone; Liberia; Nigeria.
Likely host = bats.
Ebola is fatal in 55-60% of cases reported in this outbreak.
How do you get the Ebola virus? Direct contact with: 1. Bodily fluids of a person who is sick with or has died from Ebola. (blood, vomit, pee, poop, sweat, semen, spit, other fluids); 2. Objects contaminated with the virus (needles, medical equipment); 3. Infected animals (by contact with blood or fluids or infected meat).
Early Symptoms: Ebola can only be spread to others after symptoms begin. Symptoms can appear from 2 to 21 days after exposure: Fever, Headache, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Weakness.
When is someone able to spread the disease to others? Ebola only spreads when people are sick. A patient must have symptoms to spread the disease to others. After 21 days, if an exposed person does not develop symptoms, they will not become sick with Ebola.
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