Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 1999
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Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 1999

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  • Alternative Title:
    STD surveillance 1999
  • Corporate Authors:
  • Description:
    "Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 1999 presents statistics and trends of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States through 1999. This annual publication is intended as a reference document for policy makers, program managers, health planners, researchers, and others who are concerned with the public health implications of these diseases. The figures and tables in this edition supersede those in earlier publications of these data. The surveillance information in this report is based on the following sources of data: (1) case reports from the STD project areas; (2) prevalence data from the Regional Infertility Prevention Projects, STD project areas, the U.S. Job Corps, the Jail STD Prevalence Monitoring Projects, the U.S. Army, and the Indian Health Service; (3) sentinel surveillance of gonococcal antimicrobial resistance from the Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project; and (4) national sample surveys implemented by federal and private organizations. The STD surveillance systems operated by state and local STD control programs, which provide the case report data, are the sources of many of the figures and all of the statistical tables in this publication. These systems are an integral part of program management at all levels of STD prevention and control in the United States. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 1999 consists of four parts. The National Profile contains figures that provide an overview of STD morbidity in the United States. The accompanying text identifies major findings and trends for selected STDs. The Special Focus Profiles contain figures and text describing STDs in selected subgroups and populations that are a focus of national and state prevention efforts. The Detailed Tables provide statistical information about STDs at the state, county, city, and national levels. The Appendix includes the sources and limitations of the data used to produce this report. Included in this section, are figures (A1-A3) that show progress made by states in converting from hardcopy aggregate reporting to electronic line-listed data. Selected figures and tables in this document identify goals that reflect progress towards some of the Healthy People 2000 (HP2000) national health status objectives for STDs. The original HP2000 health status objectives were developed in 1989 and revised in 1995. Appendix Table A1 displays progress made towards the HP2000 Priority Area 19, Objectives 19.1-19.8, for STDs. These objectives are used as reference points throughout this edition of Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 1999. In addition, provisional Healthy People 20102 (HP2010) objectives for the rates of gonorrhea, primary and secondary syphilis, congenital syphilis, and the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection among specific populations of adolescents and young adults are introduced in both the text and in the Appendix. " - p. vi
  • Content Notes:
    "September 2000."

    Division of STD Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 1999. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), September 2000.

    Syphilis United States Statistics.

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  • Pages in Document:
    print; xvi, 137 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
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