DPHSWD in Mozambique
April 2013
Alternative Title:Public health systems and workforce development in Mozambique
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Description:The Division of Public Health Systems and Workforce Development (DPHSWD) within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has been working in Mozambique since 2009, when CDC joined with the Ministry of Health (MISAU), to establish the Mozambique Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training Program (M-FELTP). The program aims to strengthen the public health system by building institutional and workforce capacity. The M-FELTP provides program residents with epidemiological, laboratory, and other training and technical assistance to bolster the supply of field-trained epidemiologists capable of responding to national public health threats.
Mozambique has a very high rate of epidemics and natural disasters, such as seasonal flooding, which often trigger cholera outbreaks. Other public health challenges include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, vaccine-preventable diseases, and motor vehicle accidents. The National Health System has not had the capacity to promptly detect and investigate outbreaks, which has contributed to higher rates of morbidity and mortality. Through hands-on training and service in field epidemiology and laboratory quality, the M-FELTP builds a sustainable network of skilled field epidemiologists and laboratory technicians who are improving the public health system.
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Pages in Document:2 unnumbered pages
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