Intimate partner violence in the United States -- 2010
February 2014
Alternative Title:National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010 report on intimate partner violence;NISVS 2010 Report on intimate partner violence;
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Description:Findings in this report are based on data from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). NISVS is an ongoing, nationally representative, random digit dial telephone survey that collects information about experiences of intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking from non-institutionalized English- and/or Spanish-speaking women and men aged 18 or older in the United States. This report provides findings from the 2010 data collection pertaining to intimate partner violence. Some of the key topics covered in this report are: Overall lifetime and 12-month; prevalence of IPV victimization; Prevalence of IPV victimization by sociodemographic variables, such as race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and income; Impact of IPV victimization; Characteristics of IPV victimization; such as number of lifetime perpetrators, sex of perpetrator, and age at first IPV victimization; Services needed and disclosure related to IPV victimization.
The findings presented in this report are based on complete interviews from the NISVS survey. Complete interviews were obtained from 16,507 adults (9,086 women and 7,421 men) in 2010. The relative standard error (RSE), which is a measure of an estimate’s reliability, was calculated for all estimates in this report. If the RSE was greater than 30%, the estimate was deemed unreliable and is not reported. Consideration was also given to the case count. If the estimate was based on a numerator < 20, the estimate is also not reported. Estimates for certain types of violence reported by subgroups are not shown because the number of people reporting a specific type of victimization was too few to calculate a reliable estimate. These non-reportable estimates are noted in the report so the reader can easily determine what was assessed and where gaps remain.
A detailed description of the violence types measured, as well as the verbatim violence victimization questions, are presented in the Appendices of the report.
Suggested citation: Breiding, M.J., Chen J., & Black, M.C. (2014). Intimate Partner Violence in the United States — 2010. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Pages in Document:vi, 87 numbered pages
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