Alternative Title:Protection...leadership...excellence
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Description: On cover: Protection...leadership...excellence.
Welcome to The State of CDC, Fiscal Year 2007, our annual health protection impact report. The activities and successes covered in this report provide a rich slice of the broad, ever-growing spectrum of CDC activities that are shaping and strengthening the foundations of health for the 21st century.
In many ways, The State of CDC reflects the state of our nation’s well-being by reporting on successes from the last year in disease prevention and control. This report also focuses on the outstanding men and women who are making real differences in people’s lives and those people who are touched by the work of public health. Inside we have the large and small miracles of science-based, networked activities—some complex, some simple, all urgently necessary in securing a healthy future for our nation and the world.
CDC’s four overarching Health Protection Goals provide a strategic framework for achieving health protection and health equity. They foster collaborations throughout our organization and with our partners. Our four goals—Healthy People in Every Stage of Life; Healthy People in Healthy Places; People Prepared for Emerging Health Threats; and Healthy People in a Healthy World—reinforce the priorities of HHS’ Secretary of Health Michael Leavitt’s and our nation’s Healthy People Goals. The stories in this report exemplify CDC successes in these four goals and well as progress on creating a more synergistic and collaborative CDC.
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