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Journal Article:SEP report
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Description:The Third Annual Smallpox Eradication/Measles Control Program Orientation and Training Course was conducted at the National Communicable Disease Center from July 25 to September 12. Part I of the Course, which concerned the basic principles and mechanics underlying smallpox eradication, was jointly sponsored for the first time by WHO and NCDC. The faculty was drawn from the professional staff of the Smallpox Eradication Unit of WHO, the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of WHO, and the professional staff of the Smallpox Eradication Program, NCDC. The participants included twenty-seven medical and non-medical health workers from 14 countries, representing eradication programs in endemic areas throughout the globe. Nine of the participants were NCDC Medical Epidemiologists and Operations Officers who have subsequently assumed assignments as Technical Advisors to countries participating in the 19-country West African Smallpox Eradication and Measles Control Program.
The NCDC West African assignees also attended Part II of the Course , which included the theory and practice of measles control, principles of program management and operations, as well as additional studies of other tropical medical problems and of the African culture and environment. For those assignees bound for francophone countries, a subsequent intensive course in French was provided.
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Pages in Document:23 numbered pages
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