CDC bulletin, January, February, March 1949.
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CDC bulletin, January, February, March 1949.

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    In this issue: Field training activities of the Communicable Disease Center.

    The Communicable Disease Center, with a background of successful achievements in training workers for the fields of malaria and rodent-borne disease control, has established several regional field-training centers during 1946, 1947, and 1948, in order to more effectively assist all the States with practical training (internship type) of public health personnel. These regional training centers established through the cooperative effort of State and local health departments are located as follows: Southeastern section of U. S.-Atlanta, Columbus, Albany, and Savannah, Ga.; Northeastern section of U.S. - Albany and Troy, N.Y.; Midwestern section of U.S. - Cincinnati, Ohio, and Topeka, Kans.; Western or Rocky Mountain section - Denver, Colo. Presented in this Bullet in are short summaries -prepared by Training Division training officers- of field training courses carried on during the past 2 years. Reference to these articles will develop the point that this practical training falls into two categories. (l) In-service training for CDC personnel; and insect and rodent control training for foreign visitors who have taken academic courses at the universities here in the United States, and who desire to participate in the application of these public health principles about which they have studied. (2) Field training of both professional and nonprofessional personnel for nearly all types of workers employed by local, State, or Federal health authorities. These include health officers, sanitary engineers, sanitarians (professional grade), and health educators; and in the nonprofessional category, sanitary inspectors, sanitarians for milk and food sanitation control, rodent- and insect-borne disease control, and public health department records personnel. The field training centers have been strategically located with the thought of using them as focal points from which assistance in training could be rendered to States that already have established, or intend to develop, field training facilities of their own. Many States, including Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, California, and Michigan, have developed, with financial assistance from certain foundations, effective field-training activities. Others are in the process of doing so. It is the aim of the Training Division to help all the States- by loan of personnel and by furnishing training aids such as motion pictures, film strips, manuals, and equipment- to develop the most essential facilities, in order that these 50,000 people mentioned by Dr. Scheele may be quickly trained and started on their important work of preventing disease through well-conceived and efficiently executed programs in local health departments. In the following brief summaries, several of the training officers at headquarters of the Training Division in Atlanta and at regional training centers throughout the country have outlined the organization and conduct of the different types of field training. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that without the sympathetic and enthusiastic support of the directors of these local and State health departments where training activities are under way, no effective field training can be carried on by the Public Health Service.

    CDC training courses -- Field training activities of the Communicable Disease Center / Ellis S. Tisdale -- Orientation and field training of public health personnel from foreign countries / Clyde F. Fehn -- Training plans now being developed at the Environmental Health Center, Cincinnati, Ohio / Ernest P. Dubuque -- Field training for public health engineers / Lindon J. Murphy -- Milk and food sanitation training courses, Topeka, Kansas / H.E. Eagan -- Practical public health records course, Topeka, Kansas / Alpha Kenny -- Decentralized training in insect and rodent control / Ralph C. Barnes -- Sanitarian field training / C.D. Spangler -- A Preview of field training for health educators / Ruth Sumner -- Housing sanitation training / Ross W. Buck -- Idea exchange: Inoculation of Boeck and Drbohlav's medium [A continuation of the discussion and picture series, "The Preparation of Modified Boeck and Drbohlav' s Medium," contained in the Idea Exchange of the October-November-December issue of the CDC Bulletin.] -- Special projects: The Use of an eye-color mutation in fly dispersion studies -- Book review: The Blowflies of North America -- New books in the library -- Productions released by Production Division, Communicable Disease Center, U. S. Public Health Service -- Pictorial review: Laboratory diagnosis of rabies [production number: 5-105.0, released 1948; filmstrip" 53 frames, 8 minutes] -- Morbidity chart -- Division highlights: Administrative Division, Engineering Division, Entomology Division, Epidemiology Division, Laboratory Division, Library and Reports Division, Production Division, Technical Development Division, Training Division, Veterinary Division.

    Federal Security Agency, Public Health Service, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Ga.

    68 numbered pages

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