Special occupational hazard review and control recommendations for chrysene
May 1978
Series: NIOSH Numbered Publications
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Description:"Control measures intended to reduce the potential for worker exposure to chrysene (218019) were described. The primary emphasis was placed on engineering controls including process enclosures and local exhaust ventilation; the use of personal protective equipment such as coveralls, rubber gloves, and appropriate respirators; the posting of warning signs; provisions for medical surveillance; the institution of spill disposal procedures; and proper record keeping. Chrysene exposure may occur in the chemical industry during manufacturing of the isolated chemical or during processes which involve the pyrolysis of organic matter. Several animal studies have been performed to determine the carcinogenicity of chrysene and the results have varied. Newborn mice exhibited an nonstatistically significant increase in liver tumors following three 100 microgram doses of chrysene administered by subcutaneous injection. Injection site tumors resulted following the weekly injection of 1 milligram chrysene in arachis-oil to mice for 10 week periods. Tumors also occurred following the application of chrysene to the shaved backs of mice. Chrysene appeared to exhibit a stronger effect as a tumor initiator than as a complete carcinogen. Positive results were also obtained in mutagenicity tests using mammalian cell transformation tests and the Ames assay." - NIOSHTIC-2
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Pages in Document:viii, 41 numbered pages
Resource Number:DHEW publication ; no. (NIOSH) 78-163
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