Criteria for a recommended standard : Occupational exposure to fibrous glass
April 1977
Corporate Authors:
Description:This report presents the criteria and the recommended standard based thereon which were prepared to meet the need for preventing impairment of health from acute and chronic effects of exposure to fibrous glass. The acute effects include skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation. Chronic effects include bronchiolar impairment, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis. Concern is particularly strong in cases of occupational exposure to fibers less than 3.5 micrometers in diameter over long periods of time. However, the available data supports the conclusion that occupational exposure to fibrous glass has not resulted in the development of cancer. No cases of human cancer that can be directly linked to fibrous glass exposure have been found. Many gaps are present in the literature on the effects of fibrous glass on humans and animals. Studies concerned with possible carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, and reproductive system effects are cited. Sampling tools and methods for environmental analysis are described."
NIOSHTIC No. 00071263
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NIOSHTIC Number:00071263
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