Electrical Contracting Company Line Mechanic Electrocuted After Contacting Energized Conductor While Working From an Aerial Bucket–Virginia
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Description:The case of an electrical line mechanic who was electrocuted while trying to attach an energized conductor to a crossarm mounted insulator was described. While the victim had worked for the electrical contracting company for only 7 months, he had 31 documented years of experience in this field. He was part of a three-man crew relocating and attaching existing powerline phases to crossarms on new power poles. The victim and his supervisor were working from aerial buckets fastening 19,900-volt conductors to insulators. Current was seen arcing across a crossarm bolt in contact with the victim's chest, but his arms were raised and not in contact with the conductor. Evidence suggested that the victim positioned his aerial bucket and then lifted his arms above his head to allow the perspiration to drain from his gloves and sleeves as it was 95 degrees-F that day. The perspiration may have contacted the energized conductor allowing the current to track back into his gloves. It was recommended that employers be certain linemen are instructed to maintain the exterior surface of high voltage equipment in a dry condition and to move a safe distance from such equipment before draining perspiration; that safe work procedures be followed including the covering of conductors with insulating materials at once before doing any other task; and that more comfortable and flexible protective equipment be developed.
FACE - NIOSH and State:
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Pages in Document:4 pdf pages
NIOSHTIC Number:208274
NTIS Accession Number:PB92-219765
Citation:Morgantown, : U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Federal Fiscal Year:1992
Peer Reviewed:False
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Start Date:1991/09/17
Resource Number:FACE-92-01
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