Accuracy-based proficiency testing for estradiol measurements
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CDC STACKS serves as an archival repository of CDC-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other public health information authored or co-authored by CDC or funded partners. As a repository, CDC STACKS retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.

Accuracy-based proficiency testing for estradiol measurements

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  • Alternative Title:
    Clin Biochem
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  • Description:

    Accuracy of estradiol measurements is important but conventional proficiency testing (PT) cannot assess accuracy when possibly non-commutable samples are used and method peer-group means are the targets. Accuracy-based assessment of estradiol measurements is needed.

    Design and Methods:

    Five serum samples were prepared from single donors, frozen, and distributed overnight to 76 New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)-certified laboratories. Participants analyzed samples for estradiol. The biases of group means were assessed against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-defined targets, evaluated using the Hormone Standardization Program (HoSt) E2 performance criterion of ±12.5 %. Each laboratory’s performance was evaluated using total allowable error (acceptance limits) of target ±25 % or ±15 pg/mL (55 pmol/L) (whichever was greater, NYSDOH), target ±30 % (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments [CLIA]), and target ±26 % (minimal limit based on biological variation [BV]).


    The biases (range) were 34 % (−17 % to 175 %), 40 % (−33 % to 386 %), 16 % (−45 % to 193 %), 5 % (−27 % to 117 %), and 4% (−31 % to 21 %), for samples at estradiol of 24.1, 28.4, 61.7, 94.1, and 127 pg/mL, or 89, 104, 227, 345, and 466 pmol/L, respectively. Large positive method/analytical systematic biases were revealed for 9 commonly used method/analytical systems in the United States at low estradiol concentrations. Of the 9 analytical systems, 0, 0, 3, 7 and 6 met the HoSt criterion for the samples with estradiol at the five respective concentrations. PT evaluation showed that 59 %, 69 % and 87 % of laboratories would receive a PT event passing (satisfactory) score when the CDC-defined target and a criterion of NYSDOH, CLIA or BV was used, respectively. However, >95 % laboratories would obtain PT passing score if method peer-group means were used as targets regardless of the criterion used.


    Improvement in accuracy of estradiol measurements is needed, particularly at low estradiol concentrations. Accuracy-based PT provides unambiguous information about the accuracy of methods/analytical systems.

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