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Comparison of inflation of third dose diphtheria tetanus pertussis (DTP3) administrative coverage to other vaccine antigens
6 14 2017
Source: Vaccine. 35(27):3441-3445
Alternative Title:Vaccine
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Description:Third dose diphtheria tetanus pertussis (DTP3) administrative coverage is a commonly used indicator for immunization program performance, although studies have demonstrated data quality issues with administrative DTP3 coverage. It is possible that administrative coverage for DTP3 may be inflated more than for other antigens. To examine this, theory, we compiled immunization coverage estimates from recent country surveys (n=71) and paired these with corresponding administrative coverage estimates, by country and cohort year, for DTP3 and 4 other antigens. Median administrative coverage was higher than survey estimates of coverage for all antigens (median differences from 26 to 30%), however this difference was similar for DTP3 as for all other antigens. These findings were consistent when countries were stratified by income level and eligibility for Gavi funding. Our findings demonstrate that while country administrative coverage estimates tend to be higher than survey estimates, DTP3 administrative coverage is not inflated more than other antigens.
Pubmed ID:28527689
Pubmed Central ID:PMC10727924
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