Asthma stats; percentage of people with asthma who smoke
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CDC STACKS serves as an archival repository of CDC-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other public health information authored or co-authored by CDC or funded partners. As a repository, CDC STACKS retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.
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  • Alternative Title:
    Percentage of people with asthma who smoke
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    Nearly 17% of people without asthma smoke. But surprisingly, even more people with asthma smoke. About 21% of people with asthma smoke, even though cigarette smoke is known to trigger asthma attacks. Smoking rates are different from state to state. The percentage of people with asthma who smoke ranges from about 12% in Minnesota and Utah to about 32% in Kentucky. The states with the highest percentage of people with asthma who smoke are clustered in the Midwest and South regions. See the map above for details..

    2/1/13- date from document propertes

    CDC's National Asthma Control Program (NACP) was created in 1999 to help the millions of people with asthma in the United States gain control over their disease. The NACP conducts national asthma surveillance and funds states to help them improve their asthma surveillance and to focus efforts TN and resources where they are needed.

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    electronic resourc; remote; 1 online resource (1 p.)
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