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COPLA, a taxonomic classifier of plasmids [supporting dataset]
Alternative Title:figshare Academic Research System
Journal Article:BMC Bioinformatics
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Description:Additional file 3. RefSeq200 plasmid dataset. A complete list of the plasmids from release 200 of the NCBI RefSeq Plasmid database. This dataset is the source of the plasmids used to evaluate COPLA performance: 23,209 rows in tabular form.
Content Notes:Stacks:111608
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Date Issued:01/01/2021
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Funding:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(100000030:SCIVAL;200-2019-06679:NA;) ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación(501100004837:SCIVAL;PID2020-117923GB-I00:NA;) ; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades(BFU2017-86378-P:NA;100014440:SCIVAL;) ; Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España(501100010198:SCIVAL;DI-17-09164:NA;)
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