The Role of state public health in obesity prevention
Alternative Title:Primer : the role of state public health in obesity prevention
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Description:Obesity prevention is clearly an issue in which public health has a vital role. State public health agencies have important roles in obesity prevention; they provide leadership, coordination among state level entities, bridging between local and national efforts, technical and financial assistance, dissemination of what works via the provision of best practices resources, surveillance and evaluation assistance. While each state will address obesity prevention differently, each uses public health principles as an overarching framework for developing effective obesity prevention strategies.
"8/2/2012" - date from document properties
At head of title: Primer
The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This publication was released in May 2012 and was supported by the Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors' cooperative agreement 5U58DP002233-03, the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors cooperative agreement U58DP002759-02, and the Directors of Health Promotion and Education. These cooperative agreements are from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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