Brief report of research grant findings : Los Alamos edition : The Impact of downsizing and reorganization on employee health and well-being at the DOE LANL Facility
October 2000
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Description:Study Sites: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nevada Test Site, Oak Ridge (Y-12), Pantex, and Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.
The negative effects of downsizing and reorganization on workers who lose their jobs is well known, but there is growing evidence that even workers who retain their jobs during downsizing also are affected in negative ways. It is common to find reports of reduced job commitment, low morale and low job satisfaction among "job survivors," as well as feelings of guilt, sadness and worry. The present study examined this "survivor syndrome" as well as other health and safety effects of downsizing at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The study measured how downsizing was done in each department, the adequacy of communication, perceived fairness, and characteristics of jobs (e.g., workload, decision-making, etc).
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