Guidelines for reporting occupation and industry on death certificates
June 2012
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Description:"By reporting accurate data on industry and usual or life-time occupation of decedents, funeral directors and those involved in the registration process are helping to improve statistics on occupational mortality and worker health. This document updates the guidelines written in 1988 by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) (DHHS Publication No. 88-1149). It is designed to help funeral directors complete the Decedent's Usual Occupation and Kind of Business/Industry items on electronic and paper death certificates. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reviews the quality of the occupation and industry reported, combines it with the NCHS mortality data, and reports U.S. occupational mortality trends." - p. 1
"June 2012." - http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2012-149/
Content Notes:This document was written by Cynthia Robinson, Pam Schumacher, Marie Haring Sweeney and Jose Lainez.
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