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Description:NIOSH has had a presence in Denver since the early 1970s shortly after NIOSH was created. While the name of the office and the functions have changed over time, a commitment to improving occupational health and safety conditions for those working in the Western United States has remained constant. In 2015, the Denver Office became part of the new NIOSH Western States Division. Together with the NIOSH Alaska Office and the Spokane Research Laboratory, the staff in the Denver Office work to address the high fatality rates and worker occupational health risks in many of the Western states.
Originally, the NIOSH Denver Office was one of ten NIOSH Regional Offices (one in each Federal Region) with a broad mission of representing all NIOSH functions in the region. In the 1980s, the number of Regional Offices were reduced to three (Boston, Atlanta, Denver) and the Denver Office mission was narrowed to conducting Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs). In 1995, the NIOSH Denver Office relocated from the HHS Regional Office in Denver to the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood, Colorado.
Content Notes:Background -- Oil and Gas Extraction --- Wildland Fire Fighting -- American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) Workers -- Western States Occupational Network -- Cannabis.
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Resource Number:NIOSH Science Blog
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