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Case investigator’s interview tool : talking with people about COVID-19
Corporate Authors:
Description:A successful case interview allows for the collection of critical information about a person diagnosed with COVID-19 and exposed contacts, while providing support, referrals, and answers to questions the person may have. The goals of the case interview are to assess the person’s medical condition, gather information for continued monitoring and support, and obtain the names and locating information of people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 (close contacts).
The interview process should be more than just checking off boxes on a case report form. Developing trust and an empathetic rapport, while maintaining a professional relationship with the person, is key to providing the most effective support and collecting the most accurate information to inform the next steps in the contact tracing investigation.
Case investigators and contact tracers have a primary purpose of preventing further spread of COVID-19 through timely identification of cases and contacts to isolate or quarantine if indicated. Prompt case investigation and contact tracing should remain the primary goal of the case investigation and contact tracing workforce. These public health workers can also help connect people to important services and resources, such as COVID-19 vaccination.
This document provides suggested communication strategies for COVID-19 case interviews. Scripts may need to be modified to address locality-specific needs, including but not limited to highlighting available resources, cultural nuances, exposure sites, and the capture of epidemiological data. Appendix A includes a table to assist case investigators in thinking about the various exposure sites where people with COVID-19 may have interacted with close contacts. Interviewers should use what is helpful and the best fit for the interaction; all questions or statements may not be required, and additional probing questions may be necessary. Programs are encouraged to share best practices in framing and phrases as they are identified.
CS 325693-A | September 22, 2021 7:05 AM
Content Notes:Overview -- Principles for Interacting with People with COVID-19 -- Introduction -- Collecting Demographic and Locating Information -- Health Information and Assessing Disease Comprehension -- Health Monitoring and Responding to Changes in Health Status -- Reviewing Isolation Recommendations and Resources -- Contact Elicitation -- Linking to Vaccine Services -- Conclusion -- Appendix A -- Appendix B -- Appendix C -- Appendix D -- Appendix E.
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