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Interim infection prevention and control recommendations to prevent SARS-CoV-2 spread in nursing homes : nursing homes & long-term care facilities
Sept. 10, 2021
Corporate Authors:
Description:Updated Sept. 10, 2021
In general, healthcare facilities should continue to follow the IPC recommendations for unvaccinated individuals (e.g., use of Transmission-Based Precautions for those that have had close contact to someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection) when caring for fully vaccinated individuals with moderate to severe immunocompromise due to a medical condition or receipt of immunosuppressive medications or treatments.
Other factors, such as end-stage renal disease, likely pose a lower degree of immunocompromise and there might not be a need to follow the recommendations for those with moderate to severe immunocompromise. However, fully vaccinated people in this category should consider continuing to practice physical distancing and use of source control while in a healthcare facility.
Ultimately, the degree of immunocompromise for the patient is determined by the treating provider, and preventive actions are tailored to each individual and situation.
Content Notes:Infection Prevention and Control Program -- Vaccinations -- Source Control and Physical Distancing Measures -- Visitation -- Personal Protective Equipment -- Testing -- Evaluating and Managing Personnel and Residents -- Manage Residents with Close Contact -- New Admissions and Residents who Leave the Facility -- New Infection in Healthcare Personnel or Resident.
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