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Description:"The objective of this research by the Bureau of Mines was to determine the technical feasibility and associated pilot data for drying minus 1/4-in coal with microwave energy at a frequency of 2.45 Ghz. The drying data were obtained experimentally on three coal types: bituminous, subbituminous, and lignite. The experiments were performed with a custom-designed conveyorized microwave oven having a continuous power capability of 12 kw. Drying efficiencies near the theoretical maximum of 1.54 Kg of water per kilowatt hour of energy input were achieved for two coals and two sizes; overall drying efficiences averaged 77 pct." - NIOSHTIC-2
NIOSH no. 10004923
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Pages in Document:12 numbered pages
NIOSHTIC Number:10004923
Resource Number:RI 9005
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