Persons 55 and over receiving care at home, July 1966-June 1968
January 7, 1971
Alternative Title:Persons fifty-five and over receivingcare at home, July 1966-June 1968
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Description:During the period July 1966-June 1968 an estimated 1,747,000 persons 55 years and over reported in the Health Interview Survey that they were receiving health related home care. Care received at home is defined as any personal assistance or personal services received at home as a result of illness, injury, impairment, or advanced age. The person providing
the care may have received a fee for his service or the service may have been free, such as that provided by related household members. Care provided by a physician is excluded from this definition of home care. Care by all other persons, however, is included whether or ‘not the latter are professional health workers. Data on all types of medical care provided by physicians are collected in another form for all ages in the Health Interview Survey and are published in Series 10 of the Vital and Health Statistics reports. The amount of home care received ‘ by the persons discussed varied horn partial or intermittent care to full-time care for those who are bedridden. Types of care received are classified as personal, medically related, and other. Personal care includes walking upstairs, getting from one room to another, eating or having meals served in bed, and receiving hygienic care such as a bath. Medically related care includes changing bandages, receiving injections, and other related treatments. Any types of health related home care not included in the two general categories were classified as other care.
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