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Vaccine storage and handling toolkit : updated with COVID-19 vaccine storage and handling information addendum added added March 4, 2021
March 2021
Corporate Authors:
Description:The Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit has been updated with an addendum to address proper storage, handling, transport, and emergency handling of COVID-19 vaccines. The addendum will be updated as new COVID-19 vaccine products are approved. Please check the CDC Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit website (www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/admin/storage/toolkit/index. html) regularly for the most current version of the toolkit during the COVID-19 response. The addendum can be found on page 49.
Content Notes:Introduction -- SECTION ONE: Vaccine Cold Chain -- SECTION TWO: Staff and Training -- SECTION THREE: Vaccine Storage and Temperature Monitoring Equipment -- SECTION FOUR: Vaccine Inventory Management -- SECTION FIVE: Vaccine Preparation -- SECTION SIX: Vaccine Transport -- SECTION SEVEN: Emergency Vaccine Storage and Handling -- Glossary -- Resources -- COVID-19 Vaccine Storage and Handling Addendum.
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