Chromite recovery from northern California ores using a physical concentration process
Series: NIOSH Numbered Publications
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Description:"Part of the U.S. Bureau of Mines mission is to supply the U.S. Mineral industries with information that is useful in planning to meet the nation's critical and strategic mineral needs if a national emergency occurs. The Bureau conducted laboratory research including operating a nominal 100-lb/h pilot plant to demonstrate the recovery and concentration of chromite by gravity and flotation operations from three northern California mineral deposits. Gravity beneficiation test results show that concentrates contained as much as 52 pct chromic oxide (cr2o3) with recoveries of about 80 pct. Results from the bench-scale unit operations of mineral liberation, tabling, vanning, spiraling, pinch sluice, work index, and thickener area determination tests are presented in this report." - NIOSHTIC-2
NIOSH no. 10007650
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Pages in Document:ii, 26 numbered pages
NIOSHTIC Number:10007650
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