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- Personal Author:Murphy, J. E. (Jim E.) ;Henry, H. G. (Helen G.)...1987 | Mining Publications | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Description:"The Bureau of Mines developed a hydrometallurgical method for recovering mercury metal from mercury sulfide concentrates. Sulfide flotation concentra...
- Personal Author:Lukasko, J. J. ;Murphy, J. E. (Jim E.)1990 | Mining Publications | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Description:"The U.S. Bureau of Mines developed an alternative electrochemical process for the production of calcium metal. The current industrial practice is cos...
- Personal Author:Chambers, M. F. (Michael F.) ;Murphy, J. E. (Jim E.)1991 | Mining Publications | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Description:"The U.S. Bureau of Mines conducted experiments on electrowinning of neodymium metal by using a molten-metal cathode at 650 deg. C and an electrolyte ...
- Personal Author:Murphy, J. E. (Jim E.) ;Chambers, M. F. (Michael F.)1991 | Mining Publications | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Description:"The U.S. Bureau of Mines investigated electrode designs for electrowinning lead metal from a LiCl-KCl-PbCl2 electrolyte at 450 deg C. The major objec...
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