This folder contains the R code scripts used to obtain the simulation results. As you see, there are four folders within this directory: BNLR, PBBM_D, PBBM_LT and PBBM_V. The name of the folder indicates which model was used to fit the simulated data sets. Within each of these directories there are several files. To obtain the results for the simulate data you only need to open and run the R script "Interface.R". You can specify different priors and/or number of mcmc updates in the file "main.R". AFTER running "Interface.R" for ALL four directories (BNLR, PBBM_D, PBBM_LT, PBBM_V) you can build the graphics and tables presented in the paper by using the R script "Ranalysis.R". WARNING: Depending on the number of mcmc updates, run all models can take several hours. If you want just some quick results, you should change the number of mcmc updates beforehand.