TABLE 2g. Weekly cases* of selected notifiable diseases ( >1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, week ending September 1, 2018 (WEEK 35) column labels in same order that data fields appears in each record below: Reporting Area Giardiasis current week Giardiasis previous 52 weeks median Giardiasis previous 52 weeks maximum Giardiasis cummulative for 2018 Giardiasis cummulative for 2017 Gonorrhea current week Gonorrhea previous 52 weeks median Gonorrhea previous 52 weeks maximum Gonorrhea cummulative for 2018 Gonorrhea cummulative for 2017 Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes current week Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes previous 52 weeks median Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes previous 52 weeks maximum Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes cummulative for 2018 Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes cummulative for 2017 tab delimited data: United States 134 257 931 8,260 9,602 4,888 10,245 17,159 346,891 362,197 27 103 301 3,426 3,592 New England 3 19 41 626 685 13 299 7,096 15,866 8,731 - 4 20 152 197 Connecticut 1 4 11 117 142 - 87 6,873 9,291 2,480 - 1 6 16 50 Maine 2 2 8 75 75 - 11 25 207 382 - 0 2 15 21 Massachusetts - 10 22 335 369 - 163 201 5,236 4,812 - 2 8 76 93 New Hampshire - 2 6 64 70 13 11 24 413 355 - 0 3 17 14 Rhode Island - 1 5 35 29 - 22 107 681 602 - 0 7 16 11 Vermont N 0 0 N N - 2 14 38 100 - 0 2 12 8 Middle Atlantic 49 52 75 1,692 1,818 790 1,139 1,316 38,979 38,904 5 16 38 547 570 New Jersey - 5 15 133 275 - 167 251 5,334 6,323 - 3 8 113 101 New York (excluding New York City) 23 16 33 522 520 230 213 452 7,055 6,657 3 5 24 155 186 New York City 11 20 29 664 652 303 472 589 16,615 15,706 - 3 8 104 78 Pennsylvania 15 11 22 373 371 257 291 336 9,975 10,218 2 5 14 175 205 East North Central 17 30 85 1,005 1,177 546 1,434 1,898 47,291 54,590 3 19 36 544 606 Illinois N 0 0 N N 21 370 549 10,109 15,699 - 4 11 153 155 Indiana - 3 8 101 128 46 235 302 7,633 7,675 - 4 9 102 89 Michigan - 7 19 229 388 115 293 394 9,647 10,465 - 3 8 105 145 Ohio 12 7 29 319 270 250 460 546 15,063 15,905 3 5 13 170 145 Wisconsin 5 10 46 356 391 114 151 210 4,839 4,846 - 1 5 14 72 West North Central 12 18 41 531 1,054 369 689 833 24,014 21,264 1 5 14 175 267 Iowa - 4 17 142 193 1 88 107 2,868 2,255 - 0 1 - 2 Kansas - 2 5 58 72 51 99 131 3,422 3,014 - 0 4 14 40 Minnesota - 0 22 - 421 26 139 186 4,744 4,162 - 0 7 7 79 Missouri 7 3 13 161 179 259 279 362 9,855 8,572 1 3 10 110 96 Nebraska 5 2 6 81 88 31 48 86 1,759 1,821 - 1 3 20 30 North Dakota - 1 5 32 24 1 19 32 697 619 - 0 2 12 9 South Dakota - 2 6 57 77 - 25 44 669 821 - 0 3 12 11 South Atlantic 16 43 62 1,395 1,576 1,048 2,158 3,046 70,429 80,266 7 24 58 823 841 Delaware - 0 2 1 17 - 30 76 947 1,151 - 0 2 11 17 District of Columbia - 1 6 36 34 - 71 147 1,417 3,085 - 0 3 14 12 Florida - 18 31 639 686 376 618 850 20,864 21,437 - 6 14 229 186 Georgia - 10 34 262 403 147 362 521 10,918 15,743 1 3 14 137 146 Maryland 5 3 8 96 105 - 190 340 5,557 6,623 2 2 9 100 91 North Carolina - 0 0 - - - 429 511 13,573 15,205 - 4 12 128 124 South Carolina - 4 9 149 99 278 252 947 8,804 7,460 - 2 6 81 135 Virginia 11 5 31 190 167 225 217 430 7,661 8,668 2 3 21 82 102 West Virginia - 1 5 22 65 22 20 39 688 894 2 1 8 41 28 East South Central 6 4 12 147 118 293 682 1,054 21,560 26,300 1 8 22 284 266 Alabama 6 4 12 147 118 - 229 345 7,818 7,594 1 2 7 64 62 Kentucky N 0 0 N N - 24 200 531 4,817 - 2 8 72 50 Mississippi N 0 0 N N 192 183 309 4,954 5,568 - 1 5 50 40 Tennessee N 0 0 N N 101 266 317 8,257 8,321 - 3 11 98 114 West South Central 2 4 17 75 209 1,041 1,422 1,964 43,598 48,078 5 13 96 470 393 Arkansas 2 2 8 70 83 101 88 350 2,184 3,065 1 1 11 41 39 Louisiana - 0 12 5 126 70 231 329 7,511 7,857 - 1 5 61 47 Oklahoma N 0 0 N N 21 132 232 4,168 6,046 1 2 19 70 74 Texas N 0 0 N N 849 949 1,585 29,735 31,110 3 8 66 298 233 Mountain 21 22 44 775 883 302 710 982 23,641 22,903 4 8 16 272 300 Arizona 3 2 8 99 98 135 253 401 8,034 8,071 - 2 7 89 96 Colorado 16 10 22 358 330 - 160 260 5,128 5,470 - 2 5 74 59 Idaho 2 2 8 72 104 29 19 43 634 605 2 0 2 14 16 Montana - 2 7 52 77 16 20 36 743 484 - 0 2 13 18 Nevada - 0 3 16 28 21 112 149 3,866 3,547 - 0 2 7 29 New Mexico - 1 4 29 65 65 90 168 3,180 2,831 1 1 4 37 34 Utah - 3 10 125 151 36 51 148 1,898 1,636 - 1 4 33 44 Wyoming - 0 4 24 30 - 5 15 158 259 1 0 1 5 4 Pacific 8 58 718 2,014 2,082 486 1,845 2,189 61,513 61,161 1 4 10 159 152 Alaska 2 1 6 36 62 - 38 68 1,085 1,442 - 1 2 24 12 California 4 45 68 1,455 1,751 214 1,507 1,698 50,689 49,443 - 1 5 34 40 Hawaii - 1 2 23 41 - 21 35 378 935 - 1 4 26 20 Oregon 2 6 14 219 228 108 112 149 3,867 3,114 1 2 7 67 80 Washington - 1 669 281 - 164 175 280 5,494 6,227 - 0 7 8 - American Samoa - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guam - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 2 - 2 Puerto Rico - 0 2 - 16 - 8 18 304 478 - 0 0 - 9 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 0 - - - 0 2 15 8 - 0 0 - - U: Unavailable - The data are unavailable. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published - CDC does not have data because of changes in how conditions are categorized. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Median - Median case count during the previous 52 weeks. Maximum - Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks. * Case counts for reporting years 2017 and 2018 are provisional and subject to change. Notes: These are weekly cases of selected infectious national notifiable diseases, from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). NNDSS data reported by the 50 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories are collated and published weekly as numbered tables. Cases reported by state health departments to CDC for weekly publication are subject to ongoing revision of information and delayed reporting. Therefore, numbers listed in later weeks may reflect changes made to these counts as additional information becomes available. Case counts in the tables are presented as published each week. See also, Guide to Interpreting Provisional and Finalized NNDSS Data. Weekly tables since 1996 are available on, CDC WONDER. Weekly tables since 2014 are available on, Weekly tables for 1952-2017 published in the MMWR are available at, CDC Stacks MMWR, and weekly tables starting in 2018 are available at, CDC Stacks NNDSS (once in CDC Stacks NNDSS select "Weekly Tables" in the "Genre" box at the left). Notices, errata, and other notes are available in the, Notice To Data Users page. The list of national notifiable infectious diseases and conditions and their national surveillance case definitions are available at, This list incorporates the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) position statements approved by CSTE for national surveillance. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, Weekly Tables of Infectious Disease Data. Atlanta, GA. CDC Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance. Available at:,, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System Provided by, CDC WONDER