10118128432025Expert Rev Anti Infect TherExpert Rev Anti Infect TherExpert review of anti-infective therapy1478-72101744-833624073941460842610.1586/14787210.2013.840534HHSPA724128ArticleAntimicrobial therapies for Q feverKershGilbert J.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mailstop G13, 1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333 ph 404-639-1028, fax 404-718-2116, gkersh@cdc.gov2292015279201311201316102015111112071214Summary

Q fever is caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii and has both acute and chronic forms. The acute disease is a febrile illness often with headache and myalgia that can be self-limiting whereas the chronic disease typically presents as endocarditis and can be life threatening. The normal therapy for the acute disease is a two week course of doxycycline, whereas chronic disease requires 18-24 months of doxycycline in combination with hydroxychloroquine. Alternative treatments are used for pregnant women, young children, and those who cannot tolerate doxycycline. Doxycycline resistance is rare but has been reported. Co-trimoxazole is a currently recommended alternative treatment, but quinolones, rifampin, and newer macrolides may also provide some benefit.

Coxiella burnetiiQ feverantibacterial agentsdoxycyclinepregnancydisease management
Q fever diagnosis and treatment

Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by infection with the intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii. This gram-negative bacterium has a nearly worldwide distribution and infects a wide variety of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, and arthropods [1]. The most common reservoir species leading to human exposure are thought to be domesticated livestock, specifically goats, sheep, and cattle. Livestock animals do not commonly suffer from acute disease when infected, but C. burnetii can replicate to high density in the placenta and lead to reproductive failure in these animals [2]. When C. burnetii is introduced into previously naïve sheep flocks and goat herds, “abortion storms” can occur and these are often the first indication of the presence of C. burnetii in the animals. During birth, large numbers of C. burnetii can be released into the environment and this often leads to human infections [3].

C. burnetii is transmitted to humans by inhalation of aerosols that contain the bacteria. These aerosols are often derived from dried animal waste products or birthing fluids. Inhalation is thought to result in infection of monocytic cells in the lung [4]. C. burnetii is taken up through the endocytic pathway and remains in an acidic vacuole where it replicates slowly [5]. Over time, large numbers of C. burnetii can grow in infected vacuoles, and cell egress can release infectious bacteria for further rounds of infection. Humans will typically show symptoms 7-21 days after initial infection, with higher doses having shorter incubation times [6]. It has been estimated that >50% of human infections could be asymptomatic, with concomitant seroconversion [7].

Symptomatic infections can present in both an acute and a chronic form. Acute Q fever is a febrile illness that is often accompanied by fatigue, headache, and myalgia [8]. The disease can resolve without treatment and the median duration of fever in untreated patients is 9-14 days [6,9]. More serious presentations that can occur with acute Q fever are pneumonia and hepatitis [10]. It is fatal in rare cases. Q fever can also present in a chronic form that can take place months or years after the initial infection. Patients with chronic Q fever may or may not recall an episode of symptomatic acute Q fever. Chronic Q fever requires growth of C. burnetii in an opportune location in the body. The most common presentation for chronic Q fever is culture negative infectious endocarditis, but vascular infections in chronic Q fever can also be a common manifestation, with fatal aortic aneurysms possible [11,12]. The presence of a pre-existing valvulopathy is the most common risk factor associated with chronic Q fever endocarditis [13,14].

Because of the ability of C. burnetii to replicate to high density in the placenta, there are a special set of risks associated with Q fever during pregnancy. Premature birth, stillbirth, intrauterine growth retardation, and low birth weight have all been described as adverse pregnancy outcomes due to Q fever [15-18]. Infection during pregnancy can result in a chronic infection where the bacteria are not cleared and persist in the placenta throughout the pregnancy. The bacteria may also remain after the pregnancy is completed, and could renew replication in subsequent pregnancies [19]. Delivery of babies from C. burnetii infected mothers can also create a risk for health care workers, as the generation of C. burnetii-containing aerosols is possible [20].

Diagnostic strategies

Diagnosis of acute Q fever relies on a combination of PCR and serology. In the first 1-2 weeks after symptom onset, antibodies against C. burnetii will not be present, but C. burnetii DNA can be detected in blood and serum using PCR [21]. A positive PCR result will confirm the diagnosis, but negative PCR is inconclusive. For diagnosis by serology, serum should be collected during the acute phase of the disease and a convalescent sample taken 3-4 weeks later. C. burnetii exists in two distinct phases and phase-specific antibodies can be informative. Phase 1 C. burnetii is the virulent form, whereas Phase 2 C. burnetii emerges after long-term culture and has low virulence in animal infections [22]. For unknown reasons, antibodies against Phase 2 C. burnetii are the first to arise in human infections. A four-fold increase in titer of IgG antibodies against Phase 2 C. burnetii between acute and convalescent samples will confirm the diagnosis of acute Q fever [23]. The indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA) is used to measure antibody titers. A negative titer on the acute sample does not rule out acute Q fever as the sample may have been taken prior to the appearance of antibodies. IgG antibody titers against Phase 1 C. burnetii are typically lower than anti-Phase 2 IgG titers in acute Q fever [24].

Diagnosis of chronic Q fever can be made by the detection of C. burnetii in blood or tissue by PCR in the absence of an acute infection. However, many patients are PCR negative and serology is critical for most diagnoses. In chronic Q fever, Phase 1 antibody titers will become elevated and an IgG titer ≥1:1024 against Phase 1 C. burnetii is evidence of chronic Q fever. High Phase 1 titer along with the presence of definite endocarditis according to the modified Duke criteria, or an identifiable infection at another location, is considered confirmation of chronic Q fever [23,25]. It has been suggested that high Phase 1 titers in the absence of a confirmed location of infection, but with other clinical signs should be considered probable chronic Q fever [25].

Current treatments

Treatment with antimicrobial agents is recommended for both acute and chronic Q fever [23]. For acute Q fever, a variety of treatments have been used, but doxycycline is considered the reference treatment. Doxycycline has been shown to result in a mean time to defervescence of 2-3 days after the start of treatment [26,27], whereas untreated patients resolve the fever after a mean of 12.5 days [9]. The β-lactams have very little effect on C. burnetii [9,26], but some success has been reported with macrolides, co-trimoxazole, quinolones, and rifampin (see below), but none of these are as effective as doxycycline. Recent guidelines for treatment and management of Q fever from the US Centers for Disease Control and Q fever working group recommend a primary treatment for acute Q fever in adults of 100 mg doxycycline twice a day for two weeks [23].

Treatment of chronic Q fever has historically been much more difficult. Doxycycline has been the most effective, but relapses after extended treatment were common in the 1980’s and 1990’s [28]. Combinations of doxycycline and other classes of antibiotics have been tried with a variety of results, but even after extended treatments (3 years) the reappearance of C. burnetii and increasing antibody titers were observed [29]. The possibility was considered that relapses were so common because C. burnetii replicates in host cell phagolysomoes that have pH of around 4.5. The low pH in the intracellular compartments could reduce the efficacy of the drugs and prevent bactericidal activity [30,31]. It was demonstrated using in vitro experiments that the combination of doxycycline and chloroquine had much more bactericidal activity than doxycycline alone [32]. Chloroquine is a lysosomotropic agent that increases the pH of the phagolysome. These findings led to the combination of hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline as a primary treatment for chronic Q fever [33]. The hydroxyl derivative of chloroquine will also raise the pH of lysosomal compartments and allow doxycycline to have bactericidal activity against C. burnetii. The combination of doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be effective at reducing poor outcomes of Q fever endocarditis patients [28,33].

Current recommendations for treatment of chronic Q fever are 100 mg doxycycline twice per day combined with hydroxychloroquine three times per day at 200 mg per dose for at least 18 months [23,33]. Two daily 100 mg doses of doxycycline have been shown to result in serum concentrations of 2-5 mg/L [34,35]. There is evidence that doses resulting in serum concentrations higher than 5 mg/L can lead to faster decline in anti-C. burnetii antibodies [36], but controlled studies evaluating doxycycline dosage have not been reported.

The usage of doxycycline plus hydroxychloroquine has reduced the time of treatment in chronic Q fever patients to 18 months for those with native heart valves and 24 months for patients with prosthetic valves. Although still a very long treatment period for a bacterial disease, the use of hydroxychloroquine has reduced treatment times that were previously as long as five years [29]. Long-term treatment with doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine are not without potential complications. Both of these drugs can cause photosensitivity [37], and long term use of hydroxychloroquine can lead to retinopathy [38]. A baseline ophthalmic evaluation is recommended for patients beginning long term hydroxychloroquine with follow-up examinations every six months while on therapy [23,38]. Allergic reactions to both drugs have been reported [28].

Although the incidence of Q fever increases with age and most cases are in adults, children can be infected with C. burnetii and have symptomatic Q fever [39]. Treatment for children with acute Q fever is recommended and current treatment guidelines for children over 8 years old call for a two week treatment of doxycycline at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg twice per day (not to exceed 100 mg per dose) [23]. For children under 8 years old, treatment with doxycycline raises additional questions because of the perceived risk of dental staining. Therefore for children under 8, a mixture of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole at a 1:5 ratio (co-trimoxazole) is recommended by the CDC [23]. A dose range for the trimethoprim component of 4-20 mg/kg (800 mg maximum per dose) is recommended.


Pregnancy represents a challenge for Q fever treatment. C. burnetii infection of ruminants can result in premature birth, weak offspring, or stillbirth [40]. In humans, Q fever during pregnancy has been associated with spontaneous abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, and intrauterine fetal death [15-18]. Many women develop a serologic profile of chronic Q fever during pregnancy, and viable bacteria can be isolated from patients at the end of pregnancy, even after treatment [19]. However, studies from Germany and the Netherlands have suggested that Q fever during pregnancy does not create increased risk for fetal complications, and emphasize the need to balance the risk of treatment with the potential for poor fetal outcome [41,42]. The current recommendation from the CDC is to treat women with acute Q fever with co-trimoxazole up until the final six weeks of pregnancy, and to give doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine postpartum for 12 months to women that develop a serologic profile of chronic Q fever (Phase 1 IgG titer ≥1:1024) [23]. Doxycycline is contraindicated during pregnancy because of risk to the fetus. The US Food and Drug Administration places doxycycline in pregnancy category D, indicating there is positive evidence of risk to the fetus if doxycycline is taken during pregnancy. Co-trimoxazole has a category C rating, indicating that adverse effects have been observed in animal studies, but adequate studies in humans have not been reported.

Need for alternative therapies

Although doxycycline is effective for Q fever treatment, there are reasons to seek alternative therapies. Coxiella burnetii is considered a category B agent of bioterrorism by the CDC. It is possible to produce large quantities of organisms and these would be quite stable in storage and transport. The organisms are highly infectious and transmitted by inhalation. Dispersal of concentrated aerosols over a large area would be expected to infect large numbers of people [43]. For these reasons, the US biological weapons program tested C. burnetii on human subjects in the 1950’s and 1960’s as part of “Project Whitecoat” [6,44]. In these studies, C. burnetii was found to be able to infect humans at a very low dose of less than 10 organisms, and aerosol dispersal was effective for human infection [6]. Although use of C. burnetii as a weapon would not be expected to cause widespread fatalities, it is thought that significant impairment of physical activity could be achieved, along with associated alarm in the population and significant long-term morbidity for a subset of victims [43]. Recent advances in microbiological techniques make it conceivable that C. burnetii could be modified for greater virulence or made to have antibiotic resistance [45].

In addition to the potential of engineered antibiotic resistance in C. burnetii, natural resistance to doxycycline is also a concern. Although resistance to doxycycline does not appear to be a common occurrence, doxycycline resistant isolates do exist. In 2005, 3 isolates with doxycycline minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of greater than 8 μg/ml were reported [46]. This included one from an endocarditis patient that died during treatment with doxycycline, one isolate from a goat, and a third from a human acute Q fever case. The genome sequence from the resistant isolate obtained from the endocarditis patient is available [47], but no potential mechanisms of resistance have been described. The extent of doxycycline resistance is not known. It can be difficult to obtain human isolates and testing for doxycycline resistance is not commonly performed. However, advent of newer assays based on real-time PCR have allowed more testing of new isolates in recent years [48].

Pregnancy also presents a need for more alternative therapies for Q fever. The reference treatment of doxycycline is not acceptable for use in pregnancy due to risk to the fetus, and negative effects of co-trimoxazole have not been ruled out [23,49]. Not all studies of Q fever during pregnancy have found a large impact on fetal health, suggesting that strain and host factors may influence whether acute Q fever can impair fetal growth and development [41,42,50]. This raises questions about the universal need for treatment during pregnancy, and the risk/benefit calculation that must be made. Safer alternative therapies would be beneficial.

The current protocol of using doxycycline plus hydroxychloroquine to treat chronic Q fever represents a significant improvement over previous therapies. Examination of Q fever endocarditis outcomes in France from 1983 to 2006 shows that use of the combination therapy has coincided with reduced mortality and a reduced need for heart valve replacement [28]. However, relapses can still occur and the treatment recommendation of antimicrobial therapy for at least 18 months is one of the longest treatment regimens used for a bacterial infection. Alternative or adjuvant therapies would be beneficial for Q fever endocarditis with the goal of shortening the duration of therapy and reducing relapse events.

Alternatives for Q fever treatment

A number of different antibiotic therapies have been investigated for Q fever (Table 1). Some have been given intentionally for Q fever treatment, or given as an empiric treatment before a diagnosis was made, or investigated for efficacy against C. burnetii in vitro. Randomized, controlled studies evaluating different treatments have not been reported for acute or chronic Q fever. Current treatment recommendations are based on combinations of case studies, retrospective cohort studies, and in vitro data. Many of the in vitro studies were performed by counting the number of visually infected cells under the microscope [51,52], but more recent studies have evaluated growth using real-time PCR [48]. The quinolones have been used with some success [51]. In vitro, gatifloxacin has been shown to be highly effective, and moxifloxacin, gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, pefloxacin, and ofloxacin also have some inhibition of C. burnetii growth [52-56]. Ciprofloxacin has some antimicrobial effect, but not as strong as the other quinolones [52,54]. A more recent study using real-time PCR to get a better quantitative assessment of C. burnetii growth found very little effect for ciprofloxacin [48]. The β-lactam antibiotics, including penicillin, amoxicillin, and cephalosporins, appear to have little effect on the growth of C. burnetii [9,26,48,57].

In vivo use of quinolones has primarily been associated with Q fever endocarditis. Combinations of quinolones and doxycycline were mainly used before 1999 [28]. The drugs ofloxacin and pefloxacin showed some benefit for chronic Q fever when used in conjunction with doxycycline, but success was limited and required at least three years of treatment [29]. In 1999 a study was published that compared the combination of doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine to the combination of doxycycline and ofloxacin [33]. It was thought that this combination would be more effective due to the ability of hydroxychloroquine to raise the pH of the phagolysosomes where C. burnetii replicates and allow more effective doxycycline activity [32]. Indeed, the doxycycline/hydroxychloroquine combination allowed a reduced duration of treatment and had fewer relapses [33]. Although before 1999 doxycycline in combination with quinolones was considered a reference treatment, this combination has not been widely used since that time [28].

Rifampin has been used with some success against C. burnetii. In vitro studies have found it to be very effective [48,57]. Rifampin is usually used in combination with other drugs because the risk of developing drug resistance is high. Before the common usage of hydroxychloroquine, a combination of rifampin plus doxycycline was sometimes used for the treatment of Q fever endocarditis [28,29]. Rifampin has also been used to treat Q fever during pregnancy [58,59]. A combination of rifampin and erythromycin has resulted in a successful delivery and recovery from a human placental infection [58]. Rifampin is placed in pregnancy category C by the US FDA.

Macrolides can have an effect on C. burnetii growth but the results of their use has been somewhat mixed. Some in vitro studies have found very little inhibition of C. burnetii growth in the presence of erythromycin or azithromycin [46,52]. However, in 13 C. burnetii isolates that were resistant to erythromycin in vitro, growth inhibition was observed in the presence of telithromycin [46]. Other studies have found inhibition of C. burnetii growth by clarithromycin in vitro, although it was generally not as effective as doxycycline or some quinolones [53,54,60]. Inhibition of growth at a low MIC using azithromycin in vitro has also been reported [60].

In spite of these mixed results using macrolides in vitro, studies of Q fever patients treated with macrolides suggest that these drugs can have some benefit. Acute Q fever pneumonia patients given treatment with macrolides have been reported. A study of 11 acute Q fever patients from Spain that were given erythromycin found that all 11 had rapid improvement and were afebrile by the fourth day of treatment [61]. Only 2 of 8 patients on other antibiotics improved during this time frame. Patients not responding to other antibiotics promptly improved after beginning erythromycin treatment [61]. A second study from Spain found that 25 acute Q fever pneumonia patients improved rapidly after treatment with erythromycin, although not as quickly as 23 patients receiving doxycycline treatment [27]. A larger study of 113 Greek acute Q fever patients found that erythromycin, clarithromycin, and roxithromycin were all effective at reducing the duration of fever [26]. Although not as effective as doxycycline, the macrolides were much more effective than β-lactams. Macrolides are an attractive potential alternative therapy for Q fever. Some macrolides are in pregnancy category B, and could be a safer alternative for treatment in some cases. However, it is clear that macrolides are not as effective as doxycycline, and many strains of C. burnetii appear to be resistant to erythromycin in vitro [46]. This suggests that macrolides should not be a primary choice for Q fever treatment. However, newer macrolides such as clarithromycin and azithromycin could be explored further and represent a possible alternative therapy, especially during pregnancy.

A common contemporary alternative to doxycycline is co-trimoxazole. This drug is a mixture of trimethoprim and sulfamethaxzole at a 1 to 5 ratio. It functions as a folic acid antagonist and blocks DNA synthesis to reduce bacterial replication. Co-trimoxazole is the recommended treatment for pregnant women as it has activity against C. burnetii, and when supplemented with folic acid, has a better safety profile in pregnancy than doxycycline [23]. The use of co-trimoxazole for Q fever during pregnancy is based primarily on a study published in 2007 that found benefit with co-trimoxazole therapy for at least 5 weeks during pregnancy [49]. Q fever patients that were put on co-trimoxazole long-term during pregnancy developed fewer obstetric problems than patients that did not receive this treatment. Pregnant patients treated with co-trimoxazole were also less likely to develop a chronic Q fever serologic profile [49]. Although other studies have found that the benefit of long term treatment during pregnancy may not be as large as that found in the 2007 study [41], and questions about the risk of using co-trimoxazole during pregnancy remain, current recommendations are for long-term co-trimoxazole treatment for pregnant Q fever patients [23,49]. Co-trimoxazole has been used sporadically for chronic Q fever, with variable results. Successful clearance of the bacteria has been reported, but also failures. It is recommended that pregnant women with a chronic serologic profile be placed on doxycycline plus hydroxychloroquine after delivery [23,49].

Expert commentary and five-year view

Doxycycline remains the first choice of treatment for acute Q fever, and doxycycline plus hydroxychloroquine is the first choice for chronic Q fever. No alternatives have the efficacy of doxycycline, and it has a long track record in successful treatment of C. burnetii infections [28]. A problem with the use of doxycycline for acute Q fever is the diagnostic delay. Q fever is rarely suspected in acute febrile illnesses, although studies have shown that it may be a fairly common cause of febrile disease [62,63]. If diagnostics are ordered, it usually consists of a serologic assay which provides a single titer. The prevalence of Q fever antibodies in the general population (3.1% in the US) makes it impossible to distinguish between a current infection and past infection based on one titer result [62]. In addition, titers may not be present until 7-10 days after symptom onset. For these reasons, a confirmed diagnosis usually depends on comparison between acute and convalescent serum samples, with a four-fold rise in IgG against Phase 2 C. burnetii confirming a diagnosis. This is of course not useful for a treatment decision, as the convalescent sample will be taken in most cases after symptoms have resolved and treatment is not recommended for asymptomatic patients. Thus, the diagnostic delay is an obstacle to timely treatment with doxycycline. The use of PCR can provide a much more timely diagnosis. C. burnetii DNA can be detected both in whole blood and serum in the time before IgG antibodies are present in the blood. PCR can therefore provide a positive diagnosis while patients are symptomatic and guide treatment decisions. In the recent Q fever epidemic in the Netherlands, PCR was considered an essential aspect of the diagnostic protocol [21]. Increased use of PCR for Q fever diagnostics could make administration of doxycycline for symptomatic patients more realistic.

For many years, chronic Q fever was a very difficult disease to treat, and there were many examples of relapse and treatment failures [10,28]. For these reasons various alternative therapies have been explored. The advent of the combination of doxycycline plus hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Q fever endocarditis in the 1990’s has been very beneficial to patients as this has reduced relapses and the need for valve replacements [33]. However, this treatment still requires 18 months of antibiotic therapy, and some patients cannot tolerate doxycycline. Hydroxychloroquine can also cause ocular toxicity and may not be tolerated due to an impaired visual field. Although not common, isolates resistant to doxycycline have been reported [46,47]. It is therefore worthwhile to search for alternative treatments for Q fever endocarditis. Quinolones, rifampin, co-trimoxazole, and telithromycin have all been used on Q fever endocarditis patients [28], but these strategies have all been replaced by the doxycycline/hydroxychloroquine protocol [33]. A suitable alternative will need to have bactericidal activity and be tolerated for fairly long-term use.

An open question for Q fever treatment is the value of treating acute fever in preventing the later development of Q fever endocarditis. Rapid diagnosis and treatment of acute Q fever may not only be important for the relief of symptoms of the acute disease but could also have a role in preventing evolution of chronic disease. There could also be a benefit for high risk patients in longer term treatment after the normal two-week course of doxycycline. A recent report has evaluated the benefit of screening acute Q fever patients for valvulopathies and treating all patients with significant valvulopathies with doxycycline/hydroxychloroquine for 12 months [64]. This study found 31/72 acute Q fever patients had a significant valvulopathy. Eighteen of the 31 patients with acute Q fever and valvulopathy received doxycycline/hydroxychloroquine for 1 year and did not develop endocarditis during the follow-up period (1-4 years). The 13 patients that had acute Q fever and valvulopathy but did not receive prophylactic antibiotic treatment all developed endocarditis within one year. This study emphasizes the risk of endocarditis for acute Q fever patients with valvulopathy [14,64], and shows that it is possible to prevent endocarditis with doxycycline/hydroxychloroquine therapy. However, in other contexts, the benefit of screening every acute fever patient for valvulopathy may not be as significant [65]. Other patient groups may have lower incidence of valvulopathy and certain strains of C. burnetii may have more or less propensity for endocarditis [14].

The need for long-term treatment for Q fever during pregnancy is based on a limited number of patients. The rationale comes primarily from a study of 53 patients in France that had high rates of obstetric complications without therapy, but a very significant reduction with long-term (5 weeks or more) co-trimoxazole treatment [49]. Other studies have also found negative implications of Q fever during pregnancy [15-18]. However, a recent study from Germany of 11 women with Q fever during pregnancy found none with obstetric complications related to the infection, even though only 3 received long-term co-trimoxazole [41]. In the Netherlands, a serosurvey of pregnant women in a region that had high incidence of Q fever during 2007-2008 found 37 women with both IgM and IgG antibodies against Phase 2 C. burnetii, suggesting a recent infection [42]. The incidence of fetal complications was the same in this seropositive group as that found in seronegative mothers from the same region, suggesting that C. burnetii infection in these cases did not lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes [42]. Reasons for differences in the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes related to Q fever are not currently known. One possibility is that C. burnetii strain differences can impact the effect on pregnancy [50]. Because long-term treatment with antibiotics poses some risk to the fetus, it will be important to better understand the risks of C. burnetii infection for the fetus so that risk/benefit calculations can be weighed more effectively. Evaluation of genotype-specific impact on pregnancy could shed light on this matter.


The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services.

Financial disclosure

No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript.

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••First study defining the benefit of doxycycline/hydroxychloroquine combination therapy for Q fever endocarditis.

BeringerPMOwensHNguyenABenitezDRaoAD’ArgenioDZPharmacokinetics of doxycycline in adults with cystic fibrosisAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy2012561707422024822NeuvonenPJGothoniGHackmanRBjorkstenKInterference of iron with the absorption of tetracyclines in manBritish medical journal1970457345325345483323LecailletAMalletMNRaoultDRolainJMTherapeutic impact of the correlation of doxycycline serum concentrations and the decline of phase I antibodies in Q fever endocarditisThe Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy200963477177419218274DruckerAMRosenCFDrug-induced photosensitivity: culprit drugs, management and preventionDrug safety : an international journal of medical toxicology and drug experience20113410821837TehraniROstrowskiRAHarimanRJayWMOcular toxicity of hydroxychloroquineSeminars in ophthalmology200823320120918432546MaltezouHCConstantopoulouIKallergiCQ fever in children in GreeceAm J Trop Med Hyg200470554054415155988RoestHJvan GelderenBDinklaAQ fever in pregnant goats: pathogenesis and excretion of Coxiella burnetiiPloS one2012711e4894923152826BodenKBrueckmannAWagner-WieningCMaternofetal consequences of Coxiella burnetii infection in pregnancy: a case series of two outbreaksBMC Infect Dis201212359

•An examination of pregnant women with Q fever that found no fetal complications associated with Q fever during pregnancy.

van der HoekWMeekelenkampJCLeendersACWijersNNotermansDWHukkelhovenCWAntibodies against Coxiella burnetii and pregnancy outcome during the 2007-2008 Q fever outbreaks in The NetherlandsBMC Infect Dis20111144

•Pregnant women with antibodies against C. burnetii had similar pregnancy outcomes compared to women without C. burnetii antibodies.

MadariagaMGRezaiKTrenholmeGMWeinsteinRAQ fever: a biological weapon in your backyardThe Lancet infectious diseases200331170972114592601PittmanPRNorrisSLCoonanKMMcKeeKTJr.An assessment of health status among medical research volunteers who served in the Project Whitecoat program at Fort Detrick, MarylandMilitary medicine2005170318318715828690OmslandABearePAHillJIsolation from animal tissue and genetic transformation of Coxiella burnetii are facilitated by an improved axenic growth mediumAppl Environ Microbiol2011771137203725

••Demonstration of growth and transformation of C. burnetii in the absence of host cells.

RolainJMLambertFRaoultDActivity of telithromycin against thirteen new isolates of C. burnetii including three resistant to doxycyclineAnn N Y Acad Sci2005106325225616481522RouliLRolainJMEl FilaliARobertCRaoultDGenome sequence of Coxiella burnetii 109, a doxycycline-resistant clinical isolateJ Bacteriol201219424693923209205BrennanRESamuelJEEvaluation of Coxiella burnetii antibiotic susceptibilities by real-time PCR assayJ Clin Microbiol20034151869187412734219CarcopinoXRaoultDBretelleFBoubliLSteinAManaging Q fever during pregnancy: the benefits of long-term cotrimoxazole therapyClinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America2007455548555

•This study found fetal complications associated with Q fever during pregnancy that could be alleviated by 5-week course of co-trimoxazole.

AngelakisEMillionMD’AmatoFQ fever and pregnancy: disease, prevention, and strain specificityEuropean journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology2013323361368YeamanMRMitscherLABacaOGIn vitro susceptibility of Coxiella burnetii to antibiotics, including several quinolonesAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy1987317107910843662472LeverMSBewleyKRDowsettBLloydGIn vitro susceptibility of Coxiella burnetii to azithromycin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin and a range of newer fluoroquinolonesInternational journal of antimicrobial agents200424219419615288324GikasASpyridakiIScoulicaEPsaroulakiATselentisYIn vitro susceptibility of Coxiella burnetii to linezolid in comparison with its susceptibilities to quinolones, doxycycline, and clarithromycinAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy200145113276327811600400GikasASpyridakiIPsaroulakiAKofterithisDTselentisYIn vitro susceptibility of Coxiella burnetii to trovafloxacin in comparison with susceptibilities to pefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, doxycycline, and clarithromycinAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy19984210274727489756789RaoultDYeamanMRBacaOGSusceptibility of Coxiella burnetii to pefloxacin and ofloxacin in ovo and in persistently infected L929 cellsAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy19893356216232751278RolainJMMaurinMRaoultDBacteriostatic and bactericidal activities of moxifloxacin against Coxiella burnetiiAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy200145130130211120982RaoultDTorresHDrancourtMShell-vial assay: evaluation of a new technique for determining antibiotic susceptibility, tested in 13 isolates of Coxiella burnetiiAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy19913510207020771759829BentalTFejginMKeysaryAChronic Q fever of pregnancy presenting as Coxiella burnetii placentitis: successful outcome following therapy with erythromycin and rifampinClinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America1995215131813218589167HellmeyerLSchmitz-ZieglerGSlenczkaWSchmidtS[Q Fever in pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature]Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie2002206519319812395293KeysaryAItzhakiARubinsteinEOronCKerenGThe in-vitro anti-rickettsial activity of macrolidesThe Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy19963847277318937968Perez-del-MolinoAAguadoJMRianchoJASampedroIMatorrasPGonzalez-MaciasJErythromycin and the treatment of Coxiella burnetii pneumoniaThe Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy19912834554591960125AndersonADKruszon-MoranDLoftisADSeroprevalence of Q fever in the United States, 2003-2004Am J Trop Med Hyg200981469169419815888PrabhuMNicholsonWLRocheAJQ fever, spotted fever group, and typhus group rickettsioses among hospitalized febrile patients in northern TanzaniaClinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America2011534e81521810740MillionMWalterGThunyFHabibGRaoultDEvolution From Acute Q Fever to Endocarditis Is Associated With Underlying Valvulopathy and Age and Can Be Prevented by Prolonged Antibiotic TreatmentClinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America2013KampschreurLMOosterheertJJHoepelmanAIPrevalence of chronic Q fever in patients with a history of cardiac valve surgery in an area where Coxiella burnetii is epidemicClinical and vaccine immunology : CVI20121981165116922695158
Key issues

Coxiella burnetii infection can result in Q fever, a febrile illness that can include myalgia, fatigue, and severe headache.

Q fever can present in an acute form, which is a disease that can resolve in less than 14 days, or a chronic form. The chronic form often presents as endocarditis or vascular infection and can be life threatening.

Acute Q fever is treated with doxycycline and chronic Q fever with doxycycline plus hydroxychloroquine.

Co-trimoxazole is an alternative antimicrobial that is recommended for children less than 8 years old and for pregnant women diagnosed with Q fever.

Alternative antibiotics are needed due to the possibility of bioterrorism, doxycycline resistance, risk of current therapies to fetal health, and long course of current therapies.

Quinolones, co-trimoxazole, rifampin, and some macrolides are possible alternative drug treatments for Q fever, but none perform as well as doxycycline.

Some benefit may exist in aggressive screening and treatment for pregnant women and patients with valvulopathies, but more study is needed.

Antimicrobials used for Q fever

DrugIn vitroeffect on C.burnetiiAcute Q fevertreatmentChronic Q fevertreatmentAntimicrobialeffectFDAPregnancycategory
DoxycyclineLow MIC1Most effectivetreatmentMost effectivein combinationwithhydroxychloroquineBactericidalabove pH 5.5D
Co-trimoxazoleLow MICRecommendedfor pregnantwomen andchildren <8 yrsMixed resultsBactericidalC
QuinolonesLow MICCan be effectiveUsed withdoxycyclineprior to 1999,but relapseswere commonBactericidalabove pH 5.5C
RifampinLow MICLimited dataUsed withdoxycyclineprior to 1999,but relapseswere commonBacteriostaticC
MacrolidesMixedresultsSome examplesof rapiddefervescenceLimited dataBacteriostaticB or C

minimal inhibitory concentration