Emerg Infect DiseidEmerging Infectious Diseases1080-60401080-6059Centers for Disease Control98667402640258Research ArticleMycobacterium canettii, the smooth variant of M. tuberculosis, isolated from a Swiss patient exposed in Africa.PfyfferG. E.pfyffer@immv.unizh.chAuckenthalerR.van EmbdenJ. D.van SoolingenD.Swiss National Center for Mycobacteria, Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Zurich, Switzerland.Oct-Dec199844631634

An exceptionally smooth and glossy morphotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex was isolated from a 56-year-old Swiss patient with mesenteric tuberculosis. Direct 16S rRNA sequence analysis of the hypervariable signature gene regions revealed a 100% homology to the specific M. tuberculosis complex sequence. Spoligotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses using the insertion sequences IS6110 and IS1081 and the polymorphic GC-rich sequence as additional genetic markers identified the isolate as the novel taxon M. canettii. Like a Somali child with a similar case, this patient probably contracted the infection in Africa, which raises questions about the geographic distribution of M. canettii.