Emerg Infect DiseidEmerging Infectious Diseases1080-60401080-6059Centers for Disease Control96805082640140Research ArticleErratum Vol. 4, No. 1Apr-Jun199842351351

In the article, "Emerging Infectious Diseases Brazil," by Hooman Momen, on page 3 the last sentence of the next-to-the-last paragraph should read, "The existing, generally passive epidemiologic surveillance system produces information that arrives too late to be effective; however, a number of measures, if implemented immediately, can mitigate the impact of any future epidemic: a containment laboratory (biosafety level 4) that can handle known and unknown microbes of high virulence; at least one infirmary, properly designed and fully equipped, to treat highly contagious and virulent diseases (the current lack of this facility poses a great danger to the population should an outbreak of such a disease occur); and a mobile multidisciplinary task force, including epidemiologists, microbiologists, entomologists, and clinicians, ready to investigate suspected disease outbreaks on short notice.