Emerg Infect DiseidEmerging Infectious Diseases1080-60401080-6059Centers for Disease Control96212092640146Research ArticleUsing nurse hot line calls for disease surveillance.RodmanJ. S.FrostF.JakubowskiW.Southwest Center of Managed Care Research, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108, USA.Apr-Jun199842329332

Nurse hot line calls are a potential source of public health surveillance data and may help identify epidemics of emerging infectious diseases. In this study, nurse hot line data from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, showed more than a 17-fold increase in calls for diarrhea during the 1993 Milwaukee cryptosporidiosis outbreak. Moreover, consistent patterns of seasonal variation in diarrhea- and vomiting-related calls were detected from the Baltimore, Maryland, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, hot lines. Analysis of nurse hot line calls may provide an inexpensive and timely method for improving disease surveillance.