Emerg Infect DiseidEmerging Infectious Diseases1080-60401080-6059Centers for Disease Control117477262631920Research ArticleThe changing epidemiology of leptospirosis in Israel.KarivR.KlempfnerR.BarneaA.SidiY.SchwartzE.Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.Nov-Dec200176990992

We reviewed all serologically confirmed cases of leptospirosis from 1985 to 1999 in Israel, where the disease is endemic. There were 59 cases, with an average annual incidence of 0.05/100,000. The dominant serogroup, Leptospira icterohemorrhagica, occurred in 29% of patients; in an earlier study (1970-1979), it accounted for only 2%. Serogroups that occurred mainly in rural areas accounted previously for 79% but had declined to 32%.