Emerg Infect DiseidEmerging Infectious Diseases1080-60401080-6059Centers for Disease Control117476972631879Research ArticleMolecular identification of streptomycin monoresistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis related to multidrug-resistant W strain.BifaniP.MathemaB.CampoM.MoghazehS.NivinB.ShashkinaE.DriscollJ.MunsiffS. S.FrothinghamR.KreiswirthB. N.Public Health Institute Tuberculosis Center, New York, NY 10016, USA.Sep-Oct200175842848

A distinct branch of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis W phylogenetic lineage (W14 group) has been identified and characterized by various genotyping techniques. The W14 group comprises three strain variants: W14, W23, and W26, which accounted for 26 clinical isolates from the New York City metropolitan area. The W14 group shares a unique IS6110 hybridizing banding motif as well as distinct polymorphic GC-rich repetitive sequence and variable number tandem repeat patterns. All W14 group members have high levels of streptomycin resistance. When the streptomycin resistance rpsL target gene was sequenced, all members of this strain family had an identical mutation in codon 43. Patients infected with the W14 group were primarily of non- Hispanic black origin (77%); all were US-born. Including HIV positivity, 84% of the patients had at least one known risk factor for tuberculosis.