Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending February 3, 2024 (Week 05) column labels (in same order that data fields appears in each record below): Reporting Area Campylobacteriosis; Current week Campylobacteriosis; Previous 52 weeks Max + Campylobacteriosis; Cum YTD 2024 + Campylobacteriosis; Cum YTD 2023 + tab delimited data: U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 555 2,224 3,665 5,658 New England 19 98 128 232 Connecticut 3 15 4 47 Maine 1 16 9 7 Massachusetts 11 63 88 125 New Hampshire 2 12 19 26 Rhode Island 2 18 4 15 Vermont - 12 4 12 Middle Atlantic 129 329 657 1,019 New Jersey - 85 30 219 New York (excluding New York City) 42 121 172 184 New York City 55 107 287 405 Pennsylvania 32 87 168 211 East North Central 58 274 364 697 Illinois 1 93 64 203 Indiana - 24 - 97 Michigan 10 57 68 126 Ohio 25 87 136 166 Wisconsin 22 50 96 105 West North Central 22 164 204 308 Iowa 4 58 63 104 Kansas 5 40 36 57 Minnesota - 0 - - Missouri 9 52 70 91 Nebraska - 24 19 35 North Dakota 2 9 2 5 South Dakota 2 18 14 16 South Atlantic 60 385 684 1,020 Delaware 6 10 19 10 District of Columbia - 8 3 13 Florida 14 140 316 350 Georgia 1 57 54 151 Maryland 8 42 75 100 North Carolina - 85 24 211 South Carolina 5 34 54 35 Virginia 26 54 127 125 West Virginia - 23 12 25 East South Central 4 124 137 219 Alabama - 34 - - Kentucky - 41 24 80 Mississippi 1 26 41 57 Tennessee 3 50 72 82 West South Central 38 323 113 384 Arkansas 15 33 40 31 Louisiana - 35 - 69 Oklahoma 23 101 73 55 Texas - 204 - 229 Mountain 38 175 282 412 Arizona 18 56 75 105 Colorado 9 65 92 108 Idaho 5 24 28 41 Montana - 20 11 20 Nevada - 11 5 29 New Mexico 6 24 33 45 Utah - 31 29 52 Wyoming - 14 9 12 Pacific 187 480 1,096 1,367 Alaska - 9 7 15 California 138 364 859 1,008 Hawaii - 39 - 53 Oregon 20 36 70 110 Washington 29 69 160 181 U.S. Territories - 4 2 10 American Samoa - 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - - Guam - 0 - - Puerto Rico - 4 2 10 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - - Non-U.S. Residents - 1 - 1 Total 555 2,225 3,667 5,669 U: Unavailable - The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published. NC: Not calculated - There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Case counts for reporting years 2023 and 2024 are provisional and subject to change. For further information on interpretation of these data, see https://www.cdc.gov/nndss/data-statistics/readers-guides/