Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending January 20, 2024 (Week 03) column labels (in same order that data fields appears in each record below): Reporting Area Gonorrhea §; Current week Gonorrhea §; Previous 52 weeks Max + Gonorrhea §; Cum YTD 2024 + Gonorrhea §; Cum YTD 2023 + tab delimited data: U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 4,233 11,743 17,470 32,699 New England 18 304 407 733 Connecticut - 53 - 145 Maine - 24 2 22 Massachusetts 2 240 333 500 New Hampshire - 17 4 34 Rhode Island 15 60 62 24 Vermont 1 8 6 8 Middle Atlantic 657 1,808 3,307 4,105 New Jersey 20 242 310 606 New York (excluding New York City) 254 365 612 676 New York City 161 835 1,460 1,681 Pennsylvania 222 422 925 1,142 East North Central 472 1,597 2,274 4,289 Illinois 34 548 276 1,430 Indiana 59 237 329 529 Michigan 79 368 413 804 Ohio 190 440 862 1,134 Wisconsin 110 169 394 392 West North Central 304 745 1,310 1,958 Iowa 45 93 154 218 Kansas 29 97 91 295 Minnesota 57 208 369 398 Missouri 154 302 546 712 Nebraska - 73 62 123 North Dakota 3 31 28 78 South Dakota 16 54 60 134 South Atlantic 1,433 2,906 3,974 7,701 Delaware - 54 - 99 District of Columbia - 141 - 282 Florida 543 1,084 1,520 2,394 Georgia 380 646 750 1,796 Maryland U NC U U North Carolina 1 583 202 1,629 South Carolina 212 286 583 634 Virginia 294 329 879 818 West Virginia 3 31 40 49 East South Central 303 899 1,295 2,114 Alabama 155 390 510 668 Kentucky 130 169 257 300 Mississippi 18 261 528 504 Tennessee - 395 - 642 West South Central 106 1,662 665 4,942 Arkansas 30 155 183 372 Louisiana 73 313 449 874 Oklahoma 3 158 33 452 Texas - 1,132 - 3,244 Mountain 343 808 1,223 2,001 Arizona 64 325 478 837 Colorado 159 241 345 312 Idaho 9 26 29 43 Montana 4 31 23 76 Nevada 70 134 206 350 New Mexico 3 95 39 210 Utah 34 71 103 160 Wyoming - 9 - 13 Pacific 597 1,800 3,015 4,856 Alaska 37 66 114 116 California 336 1,453 2,169 3,787 Hawaii - 0 - - Oregon 70 129 215 317 Washington 154 310 517 636 U.S. Territories - 28 - 51 American Samoa - 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - - Guam - 0 - - Puerto Rico - 28 - 51 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - - Non-U.S. Residents 1 4 1 - Total 4,234 11,743 17,471 32,750 U: Unavailable - The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published. NC: Not calculated - There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Case counts for reporting years 2023 and 2024 are provisional and subject to change. For further information on interpretation of these data, see https://www.cdc.gov/nndss/data-statistics/readers-guides/ § Beginning in January 2023, confirmed and probable cases only are being published to align with the approved CSTE position statement 22-ID-03, whereas in previous years, all case classification statuses were published. This change may cause a decrease in published case counts when compared to previous years.